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StandartinėParašytas: 21 Vas 2013 01:25 
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Užsiregistravo: 05 Spa 2006 01:16
Pranešimai: 27185
Miestas: Ignalina
Štai kaip žydiški "antifašystai" kaupia informaciją apie Lietuvių Tautinį Centrą, Lietuvių nacionalistus - tame tarpe ir apie Ričardą Čekutį, Marių Kundrotą, Julių Panką, Kęstutį Čeponį (Žygeivį)



Lithuanian Fascists Checking Lists of Citizens who Oppose Fascism

Posted on 29 March 2011

by Geoff Vasil

Geoff (Geoffrey) Vasil (Vasiliauskas), Seattle, Vilnius (nuo 1994 m.) (šis paštas jau neveikia)


Žygeivio pastaba - na štai ir aš pakliuvau į "holokausto tyrėjų akiratį". :smile66:

Vos ne pusė ilgiausio "straipsnio" skirta mano asmenybei "išryškinti". :img01: :smile100:

Bet ir prirašė.... :smile50:

Matyt, labai jau jiems patikau... :img01:

Beje, kodėl tik Ričardo Čekučio vardą ir pavardę parašė su č?

O visų kitų - be lietuviškų raidžių.

Akivaizdi ir žiauri diskriminacija. :smile89:

P.S. Reiktų šitiems "rašytojams" galų gale apsispręsti, ar aš neonacis, fašistas ir antisemitas, ar sionistas, judėjas ir Žydeivis-Keshet Czeponi. :smile32:

O tai kaitalioja savo nuomonę vos ne kiekviename pasisakyme savo gėjiškai-anarchistiniuose- raudonuosiuose puslapiuose.


Lithuanian Fascists Checking Lists of Citizens who Oppose Fascism

29 March 2011

by Geoff Vasil

Ričardas Čekutis, an organizer of the March 11th 2011 neo-Nazi march through central Vilnius and the head of public relations at Lithuania’s Genocide Research Center, an institution nominally tasked with (and paid for by the taxpayers) to promote genocide research and education, recently answered some criticism of himself and his ideas, a neo-fascist political party and neo-Nazi marches, questions that were posed by Darius Kuolys.

The back-and-forth is taking place on the Lithuanian internet news and entertainment website (there are Delfis in Latvia and Estonia, too, and, which more or less passes for mainstream in Lithuania. Not that Čekutis hasn’t had a free platform to issue his denials and propagate his philosophy of hate on other mainstream Lithuanian media. Days after the last “traditional” (four years in a row now) fascist march on March 11th, Lithuanian state television gave Čekutis a lengthy interview to sell his snake oil. Čekutis also holds press conferences (at ELTA instead of BNS, for whatever reason) and has a whole website devoted to his ravings and those of his cohorts—

One of his more recent press conferences followed his dismissal as advisor to Dalia Kuodytė, the former head of the Genocide Research Center who was “kicked upstairs” and became a member of parliament. Kuodytė took Čekutis with her to parliament, but eventually decided to stab her former Genocide Research Unit employee in the back when the heat became too much, after Čekutis ran in municipal elections in the openly xenophobic and homophobic—openly fascist—party Young Lithuania and crafted an incredible explanation for public consumption for their newest slogan, “No gays, no blacks, no reds and no camp Gypsies.” He explained: These are merely symbols, you have to understand. Except for Gypsies. No one likes Gypsies, plus they really do sell narcotics. No one seemed to be buying the racist cartload Čekutis was peddling.

In the press conference following his dismissal, Čekutis didn’t place any blame at the feet of Kuodytė, he did not accuse her of caving in to the diktat of the homosexual Zionist mafia. Instead, he spoke of “thought police” controlling society, and portrayed himself as a martyr to the cause of the Nation (the capitalized form signifies translation of the Lithuanian term that means both ‘nation’ and ‘pure ethnic nation’). Since the city elections were still in play, he didn’t seem to see any need to tell the reporters at the press conference that he was in fact employed and had got his old job back as head of PR at the Genocide Research Center.

Darius Kuolys is a former advisor to the Lithuanian president, an astute observer, very intelligent and is also someone who could be called an authentic modern Lithuanian patriot. He challenged Čekutis to provide chapter and verse for the contention that pre-World War II Lithuanian independence activist Vincas Kudirka used the phrase “Lithuania for Lithuanians” anywhere in his speeches or writing.

Čekutis responded by saying, more or less, that he was lowering himself to answer his critics in Kuolys’s case only, because Kuolys had claimed to be seeking the truth. He then goes on to whine about intentions, context, what Kudirka “really meant” and manages to distort Kuolys’s words numerous times, using quotation marks but making up the content. Čekutis seemed to be especially bothered that Kuolys called the fascist march followed by a speech by a German neo-Nazi at the former Gestapo headquarters (where the national Genocide Museum, also financed by the state, is based now) “macabre”. At least, Čekutis misquotes Kuolys numerous times including that word in the spurious phrases, so it’s a good guess Čekutis, formally the PR chief for the Genocide Research Center, doesn’t really like the label, whatever he thinks it means.

The rest of the opinion piece/response by Čekutis claims Kuolys got the facts wrong about the march and marchers, that some German ultranationalist named Mike (Mike? Doesn’t sound German. Anyway…) Muller gave the speech in honor of multiculturalism (meaning fascists who had come from abroad to march in Vilnius) and that if Muller had given the speech in 1943, the Gestapo would have hung him before he managed to finish it. But the overriding theme in Čekutis’s robustly dishonest and insulting response to Kuolys is his own victimhood, as a member of the persecuted minority of nationalists who have always known what’s best for Lithuania and Lithuanians and have always been ready to step forward, to come out of hiding in the underground, when the times demand it. Plus there’s a fair ration of gratuitous insults aimed at homosexuals throughout the piece, which Čekutis must think will play well with the Lithuanian mainstream, or at least won’t cost him anything.

Kuolys doesn’t like German Nazis giving speeches at the former Gestapo HQ in Vilnius on Lithuanian Independence Day? He doesn’t like Third Reich-style propaganda banners in German and Lithuanian carried through the streets of the capital? He’s just anti-German! Čekutis actually tries to make this point, quipping he didn’t know that the German language had been outlawed in Lithuania.

Then, speaking further on the foreign fascists who arrived for the Lithuanian march (certain white power and neo-Nazi groups have plans to make good use of the Baltic states as a sort of base in Europe, the whole “Judenrein” thing from 1941 all over again), Čekutis says:

“I can only remind [the readers] that foreign guests travel to our march every year, true patriots and nationalists of their own countries: there were Latvians, Estonians, Finns, Ukrainians, Swedes, Japanese… It wouldn’t be a bad thing for Kuolys or another ‘indignant’ well-known public figure to make a list of unwanted citizens from unwanted countries: then at least it would be clear to the public who these ‘macabre neo-Nazis’ are, and it would also be easier for the ‘democratic’ public figures to prepare their ‘condemnation’ texts early.”

In the best style of the early Nazi activists turning the tables on their opponents by accusing them of the very things the Nazis themselves were engaged in, Čekutis turns the tables on Kuolys by bringing to mind the idea of the “Thought Police” making lists of ideologically unreliable citizens for dealing with them in the future. And Čekutis must know that the Lithuanian neo-Nazis are doing exactly that, collecting a list of people—presumably future targets—who oppose them.

Cekutis must know about this, because it is being carried out on the internet forum of his fellow long-time party colleague, a web forum that links extensively to his own, viewable at the ominous sounding address of

Since it is all in Lithuanian, here are some translations to assist international readers in coming to grips with what is going on in today’s Lithuania.

First, you have to choose the forums at the main site.

Then you follow the forums like this:

Main Page → Nationalism (patriotism, preservation of global multinationalism) – History and Ideology, Trends and Developments – Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism.

Once you’ve got that far, the thread is titled:

Who’s Who in Lithuania – List of Cosmopolitan “Pinko Communist” Tolerasts [the insulting word coined in contemporary Lithuanian for propontents of tolerance; it derives from tolerance + pederast].

The date of the first post is March 16, 2011.

The poster is named Zygeivis (more on him a bit later).

The first post is the title, with an explanation in parentheses from Zygeivis that he copied the list from a specific site before they “got smart” and took it down, followed by a petition by numerous Lithuanian intellectuals, artists, politicians and citizens against the March 11 fascist march and the phrase “Lithuania for Lithuanians” and others used by the marchers. The petition is followed by the names of 11 organizations and 1,342 individuals opposed to the Lithuanian neo-Nazis.

This is followed by several comments by Zygeivis and other members of the neo-Nazi forum:

Katastrofijus March 16 2011

I dont understand why they don’t address it to their government, the Israeli Knesset and the Polish Sejm. After all there are Satanists and lisping Russians (and probably monkeys) among the signers, [they?] could translate it into Russian slang. Welcome the Year of the Rabbit Holocaust. And it’s a shame that bananas are rather expensive in Lithuania and no one sells Arab meat.

Zygeivis March 17 2011

Maker of Webpage Order

From the comments [at the original petition website?]:

I sincerely thank you for the information provided: we have thought for a long time that a comprehensive and broad list of the different “hues” and “Pinko Communist” tolerats/pederasts and “hybrids” in the Lithuanian State was needed.

We grew quite weary because we had to collect “a drop at a time” but here, as they say, it was all provided “in a bowl” [on a platter]… :)

Thank you again. :)

P.S. By the way, we copied it immediately, before it disappears from the public. :) :) :)

[comments continued in the Zygeivis re-post:]

Question for the Knowers March 17 2011

When I copied the list a few days ago, there were 600 names signed.

Now I looked, I wanted to update it (since over two days at least 50 people should have signed) and I see that 595 names are left?

Instead of growing, has the list begun to shrink?

Zygeivis follows this with updated repostings of comments, presumably from the original webpage carrying the petition, where he quotes himself engaged in heated battle against the homosexuals, and explains why the list initially shrank:

I analyzed the “contingent” of signatories…

After throwing out different little Russians, Poles, Shit-Poles, Jews, … (i.e., those for whom “Lithuania for Lithuanians” is “naturally not appreciated”) as well as those writing from Mexico, England and Sweden, there really weren’t many left… :)

But the remaining are the “pure sex minority” of the Gay-Lesbian League and similar organizations, or all manner of “leftist tolerasts” from the “New Left”… :)

Of course, Zygeivis’s original reposting of a comment from the petition webpage was his own post there announcing his creation of a list, to judge from the style and “smiley” syntax. He also lets on in the last post who exactly is being targeted: Lithuanians who “should” embrace the phrase “Lithuania for Lithuanians” but don’t, and gays and lesbians.

This is followed by a new list of people “selling Lithuanian citizenship”. The author of the original article, reposted by Zygeivis from, is shocked to learn there is a Facebook group of Lithuanian citizens prepared to renounce their Lithuanian citizenship for a price. It appears to be a tongue-in-cheek auction to the highest bidder sort of thing, which is likely a violation of the Facebook terms of service (since almost anything can be construed as a violation if one tries really hard). The neo-Nazis take it seriously, and the list contains the names and professions of 39 people, plus others on a stand-by list who “might participate” but aren’t in the pool yet.

If Lithuanians on Facebook are allowed to joke around, then perhaps isn’t what Zygeivis is doing also a kind of internet trolling, intended to frighten the people who signed the anti-fascist petition, or, more likely, to discourage the undecided from signing? Is it a case of “internet as usual” or something darker?

Before Operation Barbarossa, a German genealogist from East Prussia traveled to Lithuania and compiled lists for the Third Reich, while pretending to be doing innocent genealogical work. Mainly lists of Jews.

“Country after country adopted laws identical to German race policies, ousting Jews, confiscating their assets, and organizing their expulsion long before the Reich crossed their borders. By spring 1939, Hungary had already passed a series of anti-Jewish measures, including land expropriation, professional exclusion, and citizenship annulment. A New York Times headline on the question declared, ‘Aim to Head Off Nazis’. Waves of pogroms and Nazi-style anti-Jewish boycotts and economic expulsions had long been sweeping Poland, especially in areas with many so-called Volksdeutsche, those of German parentage. By 1937, a leading party in the Polish government, ‘the Camp of National Unity’, declared the popular campaign had become official, to the delight of German-allied Polish Fascists. Similar persecution was regularly debated in Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Lithuania. Eventually the majority of Europe would soon legislate Jews out of existence. It was all part of Berlin’s new continent-wide irresistible sphere of antisemitic influence.

“While Berlin was igniting anti-Jewish campaigns everywhere, NSDAP forces were quietly gathering population details on Jews throughout the Continent and preparing for the day when Nazi-inspired coups or outright invasion would permit the instant liquidation of one Jewish community after another. Nazi race and population scientists utilizing punch card systems were a crucial component of this effort.

“Typical was a Nazi operative named Carl Fust, who was scouting church records for familial information in Lithuania as far back as 1936. On June 29, 1936, he reported his progress to the Reichssippenamt in Berlin. ‘I have now also registered all known books of the Tilsit Mennonite Community,’ wrote Fust. ‘It was quite a task to find the present location of the books . . . The entries … go partly back to the year 1769; however, individual data goes back as far as 1722.’…

Edwin Black, IBM and the Holocaust, chapter 7 Deadly Count

Black’s book barely touches upon Lithuania; it deals with the collusion of German and American eugenicists to automate the dizzying goal the Nazis had set for themselves of exterminating the Jews of Europe.

For the Nazis the task become one of engineering and number-crunching, although every number in their system was actually a human being, and when they crunched them, they crunched their bones. The main user of the early IBM computing equipment in the Third Reich was the office of Eichmann, the focus of Hanna Arendt’s book subtitled The Banality of Evil, to keep track of “resettlement” of Jewish victims (and homosexuals and Roma to a much lesser extent).

Which brings this back to the person behind Herr Webmeister Zygeivis.

Zygeivis is a long-time candidate for the Young Lithuania party and a member of the board of directors of the Lithuanian Nationalist Center, whose chairman is Ričardas Čekutis.

His real name is Kestutis Ceponis and his full-time job according to his candidate page at the Supreme Election Commission is his webpage, (although he apparently receives or received a salary from that same Supreme Election Commission for unspecified work).

According to his declaration for 2008 parliamentary elections, he has assets worth 175,000 litas and an income that year of 529.10 litas, for which he was liable to an income tax of 1 litas, which was reportedly paid.

His biography says he graduated as a mathematician in 1980 and worked during his studies and after. In 1980 he got a job at the Mathematics and Cybernetics Institute of the Academy of Sciences, in the Data Analysis Department, and worked at the same institute until 1991.

He did some post-graduate work on “the application of reverse Johnson transformations in methods of differentiation of characteristics in data analysis” and had about 20 papers published as well as a book on the same topic.

He got a degree in tourism in 1982 and joined a pagan club in 1979. (This is the chronology in the biography he provided for himself).

In 1998 he joined “the organization led by M. Murza. It has been called the National Democrat Party since 2001. A member of the Republic Council and board of directors”.

He says he was one of the initiators of the Lithuanian Nationalist Center.

Whatever one makes of that, two things emerge: Čekutis (Pastaba - matyt, turi būti Čeponis) is a mathematician and is allied with the main neo-Nazi currents in Lithuania, and has been for a long time, either helping found the fascist organizations, or joining early.

He’s also a little too old to be given the benefit of the doubt concerning youthful internet trolling (born April 10, 1957.)

The photo on the Elections Commission webpage isn’t very clear at all, and he doesn’t provide many (or any as far as I can tell) on, but he did show up for the ELTA press conference in 2008 where he, Marius Kundrotas of and Julius Panka, another fascist youth leader, announced the establishment of the Lithuanian Nationalist Center.

From left: Kestutis Ceponis, Lithuanian Nationalist Center chairman Marius Kundrotas (Čekutis replaced him soon after as chairman), member of the board of the Lithuanian Nationalist Center Mindaugas Simkunas, chairmain of the Union of Patriotic Lithuanian Youth Julius Panka. Photo by Gediminas Bartuska, ELTA.

Kestutis Ceponis on Elections Commission webpage

Elections Commission webpages on Ceponis (in Lithuanian, from 2008 parliamentary elections):

Candidate questionnaire: ... nketa.html

Assets and income declaration: ... cijos.html

Candidate biography: ... afija.html

Declaration of interests: ... acija.html

Zygeivis’s enemies list thread:


Rare picture of Ceponis in the light of, well, a news agency studio (pasted above, below contains photo and article in Lithuanian, not clear if the fascist organization held their congress at ELTA, usurped the ELTA logo or briefed reporters at ELTA after the fact):

Pensive Ceponis at another fascist news conference (second from left, if I’m not mistaken) after he is re-elected a member of the board of the Lithuanian Nationalist Center: ... -principai

photo: ELTA/M. Ambrazas

Ceponis lives in the Ignalina area, mainly populated by Russian-speakers brought in to service the nuclear plant there in the Soviet Union.

While the rank-and-file neo-Nazis were assembling to march in Vilnius on March 11, reports from Facebook observers came in that the inner core, the elite, the creme-de-la-creme of Lithuanian neo-fascism were traveling north to spend the weekend in Ignalina.

Well, there is a big park up there, even if the weather was subzero, so maybe they were just going camping.

And maybe the enemies list is just a joke. Like the slogan, “no gays, no blacks, no reds, no camp Gypsies”, there’s surely a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of this.

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StandartinėParašytas: 21 Vas 2013 01:26 
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Užsiregistravo: 05 Spa 2006 01:16
Pranešimai: 27185
Miestas: Ignalina
Štai dar šito "Džiofo Vasilio" "opusas"

Lithuanian Neo-Nazi Leader Calls for Murder of MPs ... -mps/33274

12 April 2012
by Geoff Vasil

Ričardas Čekutis, “chief specialist” at Lithuanian’s state-sponsored Genocide Center in Vilnius old town, a fascist party leader and co-organizer of the annual neo-Nazi marches through Vilnius, has again made controversial comments on Facebook, this time apparently calling upon other Lithuanian neo-Nazis to murder three MPs. Two of the three are signatories to the Seventy Years Declaration (SYD) first published in and presented to the president of the European Parliament in Strasbourg last month.

Confirming suspicions that SYD had angered not just the clique of apparatchiks who earn a good living from the Double Genocide industry in this part of the world, and had made wider waves in the Lithuanian neo-Nazi underground, Čekutis seemed to call for someone to shoot MPs Vytenis Andriukaitis, Justinas Karosas—both of whom signed the SYD—and the MP Petras Austrevičius.

Andriukaitis was outspoken in his support for the declaration and won a one-against-three debate on state radio against Čekutis’s fellow party member and neo-Nazi organizer Marius Kundrotas, Double Genocide industry commander-in-chief Ronaldas Račinskas, and the talk show host, who appeared to be under the influence of heavy Double Genocide mind control.

Kundrotas and Čekutis, both currently employees of the Lithuanian state, held a press conference on February 23, 2011 after they jointly formed the Young Lithuania pro-fascist party Young Lithuania for Vilnius municipal elections. At that press conference both men claimed they were being persecuted for their beliefs. Čekutis complained his sponsor and protectrix in parliament, former Genocide Center director Dalia Kuodytė had been forced to send him back to his old job as “senior PR specialist” and remove him as her personal assistant because of attacks by what Kundrotas and Čekutis characterized as “thought police.”

In earlier public Facebook postings documented by the two serious pro-democracy anti-fascist watchdog websites, (here and here) and (English here), Čekutis called for excluding Jews from working in the public sector by checking their genealogy for four previous generations. He also called for the drawing up of lists of people subject to summary execution as enemies of the state in emulation of Nazi lists used to round up people for execution in Lithuania. Yet Čekutis is, as of today, still listed as “chief specialist” (on “parental leave”) on the Genocide Center’s website.

Following the “leak” of this and other public Facebook postings by Čekutis, he set his profile to “private” and presumably carried on as before with his neo-Nazi brethren.

Needless to say, calling for the exclusion of Jews from public life, the execution of enemies and the assassination of MPs is a violation of Facebook’s terms of service. It would be simple to have Čekutis expelled from the Facebook “community,” but now that incitement to commit assassinations of public figures has appeared, if Lithuanian law enforcement were in any way concerned with the rise of neo-Nazism, it would be expedient to have Facebook freeze his account and hand over all conversations, public and private, as evidence. Not only does Facebook clearly state that all text and pictures posted become the exclusive property of Facebook, they also regularly do hand over material to law enforcement around the world and have mechanisms in place for such cooperation.

On April 4, MP Petras Austrevičius, one of the targets of assassination, said that he’s not sure whether to consult the police or mental health specialists. MP Vytenis Andriukaitis, in an open letter on published on April 5 (English here) said he would go to prosecutors, and hinted he would pursue a case against Čekutis as a public employee. Since Čekutis is a party leader and the leader of a fascist youth organization, and because his earlier calls to form enemies’ lists was heeded—including attempts by neo-Nazi fellow traveler “Žygeivis” aka Kęstutis Čeponis to locate me on the fascist website he runs, — seeking to have Čekutis removed from public service is probably too little, too late. There should be no problem for prosecutors to demonstrate that Čekutis’s “free speech” actually constitutes incitement to racial, ethnic and religious discord as well as murder, given that he does have influence over a number of followers.

As in the earlier series of Facebook postings featured on and, Čekutis is again claiming he was “just joking.” Austrevičius noted the neo-Nazis have protectors inside the parliament who “go psycho” any time anyone attempts to put the brakes on Lithuania’s slide into fascism. One of the most vocal proponents of the fascist youth organizations is Gintaras Songaila, who christened his new “nationalist” party at the neo-Nazi march in Kaunas on February 16.

Čekutis’s main benefactress in parliament remains Dalia Kuodytė, former head of the Genocide Center and a member of the Lithuanian parliament’s contact group with Tibet, a cause espoused recently and publicly by Lithuania’s foreign minister Audronius Ažubalis in his public statement denouncing the eight Lithuanian signatories to the Seventy Years Declaration, and also including his now infamous statement about the relative moustache length of Hitler and Stalin.

If Kuodytė rises again this time to defend Čekutis, the former special assistant in parliament she regretfully kicked back to the Genocide Center earlier when his fascist youth party coined an anti-gay, anti-African, anti-Roma campaign slogan, will prosecutors ignore the call to assassinate her political opponents in parliament? Will Audronius Ažubalis move “behind the scenes” and diplomatically to smooth things over and save Double Genocide industry star employee Čekutis? Or when he “resigns” will Kuodytė ensure he gets a large severance package and promises of a more lucrative job in state service, serving the cause of Double Genocide? Will Songaila make Čekutis number 2 on his new party list?

“Today the streets, tomorrow: parliament.” So says the sign the neo-Nazi marchers have been carrying for three years now at their parades through Vilnius and Kaunas on Lithuania’s two independence days. Is this a case of “elect me before I make good on my threats to murder numerous individuals and politicians?” The poor neo-Nazi leaders, oppressed by the thought police even as they receive generous payments from the taxpayers for their service to the Double Genocide industry and even subsidies from the government to hold neo-Nazi summer youth camps, have tried this gambit numerous times before, threatening generically “there will be blood if the government doesn’t act” to stop this or that. The Conservative government seems to have a very cozy relationship with the neo-Nazi youth leaders, using them as ideological brownshirts to publicly float their own homophobic, xenophobic and repressive conceptions and policies. Presumably their flunkies — Ričardas Čekutis, Marius Kundrotas and Julius Panka — all know how the game is played by now, and only threaten a little bit of coup d’etat now and again, when it serves their Conservative masters.


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StandartinėParašytas: 21 Vas 2013 01:26 
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Užsiregistravo: 05 Spa 2006 01:16
Pranešimai: 27185
Miestas: Ignalina

Jaunimo patriotinės eitynės: ar yra pagrindo kaltinimams nacizmu?

2011 m. kovo 28 d. 15:55

Laisvė, demokratija – bene dažniausiai žiniasklaidoje linksniuojami žodžiai. Streikai, eitynės bei paradai vis dažniau tampa priemone išreikšti savo nuomonę, protestą ir reikalauti permainų. Kasmet Kovo 11-ąją organizuojamos eitynės Gedimino prospektu. Vieni teigia, kad tai neonacizmo išraiška, o kitiems – tai patriotiškumo puoselėjimas ir būdas atkreipti visuomenės dėmesį į Lietuvos tautinės savimonės nykimo problemą.


© DELFI (A.Didžgalvio nuotr.)

„Eitynės - gražus ir pagirtinas renginys iš mūsų, kaip lietuvių ir patriotų, pusės, skirtas ne parodyt nepakantumą kažkam, o pažymėti svarbią dieną Lietuvos istorijoje bei parodyti vienybę,“ – sako gatvėje sutiktas praeivis, paklaustas apie eitynes.

Žinoma, iš karto kyla klausimas, kaip suprasti 2008 metų Kovo 11-osios eitynes, kai didelis būrys skustagalvių nešė svastiką bei kaukole išpaišytą vėliavą ir skandavo: „Juden raus“, tai į lietuvių kalbą išvertus reikštų: „žydai lauk“ ir kitus antisemitinius bei rasistinius šūkius.

Po tokių įvykių žurnalistai gavo darbo apšmeižti VISĄ Lietuvos patriotinį jaunimą ir žiniasklaidoje pasipylė pranešimai, kad esą toks įvykis yra didžiausia Lietuvos gėda, žmogaus teisių gynėjai pažėrė aktyviausiems eitynių dalyviams kaltinimus ir prasidėjo ikiteisminiai tyrimai.

„Vienas vienintelis incidentas nieko nereiškia. Kadangi jis buvo vykdytas tik žmonių susitarimu, jis tolygus gatvės muštynėms ar krepšinio sirgalių riaušėms. Pagal jas nesprendžiame apie visą sistemą. Juolab, mes bendromis jėgomis puoselėjame patriotizmą,“ – sako pašnekovas.

Dažnai sakoma: „nespręsk apie knygą pagal jos viršelį“. - Iš tikrųjų, vienas įvykis lyg ir negalėtų klijuoti nacistinės etiketės visiems patriotams. Tačiau yra kita viso to pusė – idėjos nesiformuoja staiga ir tik tuo metu. Tie žmonės, kurie eitynių metu pasisakė už rasizmą, tokį požiūrį į kitataučius „brandino“ jau seniai. Todėl savaime aišku, jog tos idėjos taip staiga nedings. Tačiau pašnekovas prisimena, kaip Vasario 16-ąją Kaune dalyvavo eitynėse, jautė didelį malonumą ir jokio noro kurstyti nesantaiką. Gal visgi nėra taip, kaip atrodo?

Nacizmas, kaip ideologija, pradėjo formuotis gerokai prieš Hitleriui ateinant į valdžią, tačiau būtent jis galutinai suformavo vado kultą ir šovinistines idėjas. Hitleris iškėlė savo tautos išskirtinumą ir persekiojo kitataučius. Istorinius faktus galima būtų sieti su dabartine situacija: daugelis eitynėse žygiuojančių skustagalvių pasisako būtent už tai, kad Lietuvoje nebūtų kitataučių. „Lietuva lietuviams“ – skanduoja jie.

Kita vertus, kam tada reikalingos eitynės? Gyvename demokratiškoje visuomenėje ir Konstitucija skelbia teisę į žodžio laisvę. Lygiai taip pat Konstitucija pasisako už tai, kad valstybėje nebūtų diskriminuojami kitos rasės ar tautybės žmonės. „Eitynės pirmiausia reikalingos patriotinių jėgų konsolidacijai, siekiant užkirsti kelią vis labiau plintančioms kosmopolitizmo ir dvasinio tautos nuskurdinimo tendencijoms. Mes džiaugiamės taip sunkiai iškovota laisve ir visada priešinsimės Briuselio ir Maskvos imperialistų užmačioms mus demoralizuoti, nutautinti ir, pagaliau, panaikinti Lietuvos valstybingumą,“ – kalba Lietuvių Tautinio Centro pirmininkas, eitynių organizatorius Ričardas Čekutis.

Simono Vyzetalio centro direktorius ir save „nacių medžiotoju“ tituluojantis Efraimas Zurofas jau ne pirmus metus siekia uždrausti eitynes. Akivaizdu, kad sprendimas nebeleisti rengti eitynių papiktintų ne tik pačius skustagalvius, tačiau ir dalį visuomenės. Jei skelbiamės laisva ir demokratiška valstybe, tai gal ir elkimės demokratiškai? Žinoma, pritarti rasinei diskriminacijai būtų antihumaniška, tačiau eitynių dalyviai kalba apie norą išsaugoti Lietuvos valstybingumą, kultūrą bei kalbą. O nerimauti visgi yra ko.

Neseniai vienos iš daugiausiai balsų Vilniaus savivaldybės rinkimuose surinkusios lenkų partijos vadovas Valdemaras Tomaševskis pareiškė, kad Lietuvoje negerbiama lenkų tautinė mažuma. Vyresni žmonės baiminasi, kad greit patys lietuviai savo šalyje taps svetimi. Juk emigravę tautiečiai užsienyje neprašo, kad šalia angliško gatvės pavadinimo būtų rašomas lietuviškasis. Todėl iškyla tautinės savimonės ir apskritai patriotiškumo problema. Tuo metu, kai daugelis lietuvių keikia valdžią ir šalį, kurioje gyvena, vadinamieji skustagalviai ją myli ir stengiasi, kad visgi prognozės, jog tokios valstybės, kaip Lietuva, po kelių dešimčių metų nebebus, neišsipildytų.

Kita vertus, Lietuvos patriotinei ideologijai daugiau ar mažiau daro įtaką Europoje susiformavęs neonacių judėjimas. Skirtumas tik tas, kad užsienyje jis yra žymiai radikalesnis. Visai neseniai Čekijoje keturi jaunuoliai sviedė tris Molotovo kokteilius į romų namą rytiniame miestelyje Vitkove, likus dienai iki Antrojo pasaulinio karo laikų Vokietijos nacių lyderio Adolfo Hitlerio 120-ųjų gimimo metinių. Teismas juos nuteisė kalėti 20 metų. Siejant šį įvykį su Lietuvos realijomis, galima tik pasidžiaugti, jog čia tokių dalykų dar nevyksta. Tačiau nacistinės idėjos vis labiau plinta ir tampa patrauklios jaunimui. Galbūt vieną dieną radikalių pažiūrų jaunuoliai nebeapsiribos vien eitynėmis ir šūkiais?

Kyla klausimas, ar galėtume vadinti Lietuvos skustagalvius naciais ar neonaciais. Skirtumas tarp hitleriškojo nacionalsocializmo ir lietuviškosios „patriotizmo“ formos yra tas, jog lietuviai kol kas savo teise viešai reikšti nuomonę pasinaudoja tik per patriotines šventes. Tačiau kaip bebūtų gaila, visuomenėje yra nutylima, jog tie patys skinheadai pogrindyje nėra labai taikūs.

Žiniasklaidoje buvo aprašyta tik keletas atvejų, kai buvo pasistengta smurtu įrodyti, jog Lietuvoje be kitataučių, visgi, yra gyventi geriau. Tačiau dar daug atvejų nėra viešinama arba tiesiog nežinoma. Hitlerio pasekėjai tikėjo savo tautos didybe, tą patį daro ir lietuviškieji skustagalviai. Abidvi pusės nori, kad jų šalyje nebūtų kitataučių. Abidvi yra linkusios smurtu tai įrodyti, o ne taikiai.

Žinoma, klijuoti smurtautojų etiketes visiems skustagalviams patriotams būtų neprotinga. Yra nemažai Lietuvos patriotų, kurie skelbia tikrai gražias ir toli gražu ne šovinistines idėjas tautos išsaugojimui. Ričardas Čekutis teigia, jog „mūsų skleidžiama informacija sistemingai blokuojama – taip sudaromas klaidingas mūsų renginiuose dalyvaujančio patriotinio jaunimo įvaizdis“. Kaip bebūtų gaila, tačiau gerų dalykų apie eitynes ir apskritai apie patriotizmą – mažai. Atrodo, kad žiniasklaida ir visuomenė nenori žinoti viso to kitos pusės. Kita vertus, eitynių dalyviai labai nenoriai dalinasi mintimis ir visai nesistengia griauti stereotipų apie jų veiklą. Todėl nekeista, jog visuomenėje formuojasi neigiama nuomonė apie patriotų eitynes ir apskritai patriotizmo sąvoka tampa iškreipta.

Ar galima būtų teigti, jog Lietuvoje patriotizmas ir patriotinių idėjų deklaravimas tampa iškreiptas? „Dauguma nesupranta, kas yra ir kur slepiasi patriotizmas. Mokiniui sunku suvokti, jog skaitant Maironį, tą akimirką jis - patriotas. Manau, jog patriotizmo supratimą stipriai iškreipė viešasis sektorius. Mes nuolatos matome, jog tikras patriotas yra tas, kuris žiūri krepšinį, serga už Lietuvą ir, galų gale, geria lietuvišką alų,“ – sako Lietuvos mokinių parlamento narė, kultūros komiteto pirmininkė Aistė Grajauskaitė.

Iš tikrųjų, mokyklose apie patriotizmą yra kalbama labai mažai. Keisčiausia yra tai, jog mokiniams nei Maironis, nei apskritai Lietuvos istorija nekelia jokio susidomėjimo. Iš to galime matyti, kaip būsimajai kartai rūpi Tėvynės ateitis. Kita vertus, jei klijuojame nacistų etiketes patriotiniam jaunimui, tuomet galima būtų ir Kudirką, Basanavičių, Smetoną ar net Maironį vadinti nacistais, nors jie vedė Lietuvą į nepriklausomybę.

Skustagalviai teigia, jog yra stengiamasi išsaugoti nykstančią lietuvišką kultūrą, nors atrodytų, jog to nebereikia. Tačiau šiandieninės realijos rodo ką kitą.

Derėtų paminėti ir kitą patriotinio jaunimo pusę. Pavyzdžiui, Vilniaus Universiteto žygeivių klubas. Tai yra pelno nesiekianti organizacija, jungianti visus keliauti mėgstančius ir savo šalį mylinčius jaunuolius. Jie keliauja po pasaulį ir taip pat lanko gražiausias Lietuvos vietas. Įdomu ir gražu yra tai, jog į kalnų viršukalnes žygeivių klubo nariai kelia Lietuvos vėliavą, pavadina bevardžius kalnus lietuviškais pavadinimais ir puoselėja lietuviškąsias tradicijas.

Taip pat Lietuvos jaunimo organizacijų taryba (LiJOT) kasmet rengia jaunimo pilietiškumo ir patriotiškumo ugdymo projektą „Misija Sibiras“. Jo tikslas yra suteikti šiuolaikiniam jaunimui galimybę parodyti savo patriotiškąją pusę visuomenei. Kasmet yra rengiamos ekspedicijos į Sibirą ir ten tvarkomi lietuvių tremtinių kapai bei bendraujama su Sibire vis dar gyvenančiais lietuviais. Jiems nereikia žygiuoti gatvėmis, todėl visuomenėje ir neatsiranda vadinančių tuos jaunuolius rasistais ar nacistais. Kur yra riba tarp šovinistinių idėjų ir patriotizmo?

„Tik tautiškai nusiteikęs, savo tautos kultūrą bei tradicijas puoselėjantis žmogus yra pajėgus suprasti ir kitos tautos žmogų,“ – sako Ričardas Čekutis. Niekur nėra deklaruojama, jog reikia negerbti kitataučių. Galų gale, tolerancija kitoms kultūroms kuriama tada, kai svetima kultūra ne perimama, tačiau suvokiama kaip unikali. Pavieniai rasistinių išpuolių atvejai neturėtų užgožti patriotinio jaunimo misijos, tačiau lygiai taip pat nederėtų aklai priimti visko, kas įtartinai dvelkia nacizmu.

DELFI už šio rašinio turinį neatsako, nes tai yra subjektyvi skaitytojų nuomonė!


O štai koks žydų "antyfašistų" vertimas (su jų "paaiškinimais"):

Translation from:

Patriotic Youth March: Is There a Basis for Accusations of Nazism? ... h-2011.pdf

by pievaa
28 March 2011

Freedom, democracy. These are probably the most used words in the media.
Strikes, marches and parades are ever more frequently becoming a means of
expressing one’s opinion, protest, and to demand changes. Every year there
is a march organized on March 11 on Gediminas Prospect. Some say it is an
expression of neo-Nazism, others that is a celebration of patriotism and a
means of bringing society’s attention to the problem of the extinction of the
ethnic identity of Lithuania.

“The march is a beautiful and laudable event on our part, on the part of
Lithuanians and patriots, not intended to demonstrate intolerance to someone,
but to mark an important day in Lithuania’s history and to show unity,” a
passer-by on the street said when asked about the march.

Of course, there is immediately a question on how to understand the march
of March 11, 2008, when a large group of skinheads carried a flag decorated
with a swastika and a skull and shouted “Juden raus,” which translated to
Lithuanian means “Jews get out,” and other antisemitic and racist slogans.
After these events reporters got work slandering ALL patriotic youth of
Lithuania and there was a barrage of reports in the media that this event is,
according to them, Lithuania’s greatest shame. Defenders of human rights
hurled accusations at the most active marchers and pre-trial investigations

“One incident alone doesn’t mean anything. Because it was carried out only
by the consent of people, it is distant from street fighting or riots by
basketball fans. We don’t decide on an entire system based on these. All the
more, we celebrate patriotism through joint forces,” the speaker said.

It is often said: “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” – Truly, one event cannot
hang the Nazi label on all patriots. But there is another side to all this: ideas
don’t occur quickly and only then. The people who spoke out in favor of
racism and that specific attitude to other ethnicities during the march
“ripened” a long time ago. So it is self-evident that these ideas won’t
disappear quickly. But the speaker recalled how he marched in the February
16 [fascist] march in Kaunas, how he felt a great pleasure and no desire to
sow ethnic discord. So maybe after all it isn’t as it appears?

Nazism as an ideology began to form long before Hitler came to power, but
it was he who finally formed the cult of the leader and the chauvinist ideas.
Hitler exalted the exceptionalness of his people and persecuted other peoples.
One can apply the historical facts to the current situation: many of the
skinheads who marched in the march said just that, that they didn’t want
other nationalities in Lithuania. They chanted “Lithuania for Lithuanians.”

On the other hand, who then needs the march? We live in a democratic
society and the Constitution proclaims the right to freedom of speech. Just as
the Constitution says that people of other races and ethnicities shouldn’t be
discriminated against in the state. “The march is primarily needed for the
consolidation of patriotic forces in attempting to stop ever-spreading
tendencies of cosmopolitanism and spiritual impoverishment of the nation.
We are happy about the freedom that was so hard to win and will always
oppose plans by the imperialists of Brussels and Moscow to demoralize, to
denationalize and finally to destroy Lithuanian statehood,” Lithuanian
Nationalist Center chairman and march organizer Ričardas Čekutis says [Mr.
Čekutis holds a senior position at the state-funded Genocide Research
Center of Lithuania in old-town Vilnius. – Trans.]

This isn’t the first year that Simon Wiesenthal Center director and self-titled
“Nazi hunter” Efraim Zuroff has tried to ban the march. It’s obvious that the
decision to no longer allow the march would anger not just the skinheads
themselves but also a portion of society. If we call ourselves a free and
democratic society, then shouldn’t we behave democratically? Of course it
would be anti-humane to approve racial discrimination, but march
participants talk about the desire to preserve Lithuanian statehood, culture
and language. And there really is reason for concern.

Recently one of the biggest vote getters in the Vilnius municipal elections,
Polish party leader Valdemaras Tomasevskis, said the Polish ethnic minority
isn’t being respected in Lithuania. Older people fear that soon Lithuanians
themselves will become foreign in their own country. And after all,
compatriots who have emigrated don’t demand Lithuanian be written next to
the English names of streets. That’s why the problem of ethnic identity and
patriotism in general has arisen. While many Lithuanians slur the
government and country where they live, the so-called skinheads love the
country and are trying to ensure that the prognoses that states such as
Lithuania won’t exist after several decades won’t come to pass.

On the other hand, the neo-Nazi movement that had formed in Europe does
have a greater or lesser influence on the patriotic ideology of Lithuania. The
only difference is that abroad it is much more radical. Very recently four
young men in the Czech Republic threw three Molotov cocktails into a
house of Roma in the eastern town of Vitkov just one day before the 120th
birthday of Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany during the time of
World War II. The court sentenced them to 20 years’ imprisonment.

Applying this event to the realities of Lithuania, we can just be glad that
such things still aren’t happening here. But Nazi ideas are spreading ever
more [widely and are becoming attractive to young people. Perhaps one day
young people of radical views won’t confine themselves to marching and

The question arises as to whether we can call the skinheads of Lithuania
Nazis or neo-Nazis. The difference between Hitlerian national-socialism and
Lithuanian forms of “patriotism” are that so far Lithuanians are only using
their right to public expression during patriotic holidays. But however sad it
may be, society is keeping silent that these same skinheads aren’t especially
peaceful in the underground.

Only a few events have been described in the media about attempts to prove
through violence that it is better to live in Lithuania without people of other
ethnicities. But many cases haven’t been made public or simply aren’t
known. Hitler’s followers believed in the greatness of their people, and so do
the Lithuanian skinheads. Both parties don’t want other ethnicities in their
country. Both are inclined to use violence to demonstrate that, not peaceful

Of course it wouldn’t be intelligent to apply the label of violent people to all
skinhead patriots. There are many Lithuanian patriots who spread really
beautiful and in no way chauvinist ideas for preserving the Nation. Ričardas
Čekutis says “the information we disseminate is systematically blocked, this
is how an erroneous image of the patriotic youth attending our events is
composed.” However unfortunate it might be, there is very little positive
[said in the media?] about the march and patriotism in general. It seems the
media and society don’t want to know the other side of all this. On the other
hand, marchers are very reluctant to share their thoughts and make no
attempt to destroy the stereotypes about their activity. So it is not strange
that a negative opinion is formed in society of the patriotic marches and that
the concept of patriotism is becoming warped in general.

Can one say that patriotism and the declaration of patriotic ideas in
Lithuania has become distorted? “The majority don’t understand what
patriotism is and where it hides. It is difficult for a student to understand that
when he reads Maironis, that instant he is a patriot. I believe the public
sector greatly distorted the understanding of patriotism. We constantly see
that a real patriot is someone who watches basketball, roots for Lithuania
and after it is all over drinks Lithuanian beer,” Aistė Grajauskaitė, member
of the Lithuanian student parliament and chair of the cultural committee,

Truly, little is said about patriotism in the schools. The strangest thing is that
neither Maironis nor Lithuanian history in general raise any interest among
students. We can see from this how the future generation is concerned with
the future of the Homeland. On the other hand, if we label patriotic youth
Nazis, then at the same time we can call Kudirka, Basanavičius, Smetona or
even Maironis Nazis, although they brought Lithuania to independence.
Skinheads say they are trying to preserve the dying Lithuanian culture,
although it seems that that is no longer needed. But the situation today says

The other side of patriotic youth needs to be mentioned as well. For example,
the Zygeiviai Club of Vilnius University. This is a not-for-profit
organization uniting all young people who like to travel and love their
country. They travel around the world and also visit the most beautiful sites
in Lithuania. It is interesting and nice that Zygeiviai Club members place the
Lithuanian flag on the summits of mountains, name unnamed mountains

with Lithuanian names and cherish Lithuanian traditions. [The chairman of
the Zygeiviai Club is the fascist mathematician and tourism expert Kestutis
, Young Lithuania candidate for parliament and member of board of
directors of Lithuanian Nationalist Center – Trans.]

Also, the Council of Lithuanian Youth Organizations annually does a project
for instilling civic-mindedness and patriotism called Mission Siberia. It’s
goal is to provide modern youth the opportunity to show their patriotic side
to society. Every year expeditions to Siberia are organized and the graves of
Lithuanian deportees are refurbished there, and contact is made with
Lithuanians who are still living in Siberia. They don’t need to march the
streets, so no one appears in society calling those young people racists and
Nazis. Where is the line between chauvinist ideas and patriotism?

“Only a patriotically predisposed person cherishing the culture and traditions
of his people is capable of understanding a person from another people
[nation/ethnicity],” Ričardas Čekutis says. It is nowhere declared that other
ethnicities shouldn’t be respected. Finally, tolerance of other cultures is
created when the foreign culture isn’t adopted, but is understood as unique.
Isolated incidents of racist attacks shouldn’t drown out the mission of
patriotic youth, but at the same time it isn’t right to blindly accept everything
that smells suspiciously of Nazism.

DELFI is not responsible for the content of this text, because it is the
subjective opinion of readers! [But, as readers can see from the link at the
top of this document, it is presented as a full-fledged news or opinion article
with image, despite being pseudonymous – Trans.]

Tautos jėga ne jos narių vienodume, o vienybėje siekiant pagrindinio tikslo - Tautos klestėjimo.

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StandartinėParašytas: 21 Vas 2013 01:27 
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Užsiregistravo: 05 Spa 2006 01:16
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Miestas: Ignalina

Originalus tekstas:

Kęstutis Čeponis. Kas yra kas „lietuviškose“ Antifa ir Anarchija? Kas jas remia bei finansuoja? ... finansuoja


Straipsnio komentarai (8)

Stebina tai, kad jokia Lietuvos teisėsaugos struktūra absoliučiai nesidomi visų tokių kairiųjų ekstremistų ir teroristų - "antifa", "anarchistų", "naujų kairiųjų" - atvira antikonstitucine, antivalstybine, antilietuviška veikla.

Kol kas jie parduoda Lietuvos pilietybę. Nupirkim, kol jie nepardavė Lietuvos… (publikavo zeppelinus, 2011-03-18) ... -lietuvos/

Štai šis kosmopolitų - tolerastų - anarchistų – „seksualinių mažumų gynėjų“ – „naujų kairiųjų“, parduodančių „fašistinės“ Lietuvos Valstybės pilietybę, viešas sąrašas (2011-03-18):



1. Agnė Patackė, Feministinis frontas
2. Aeon Flux, kairiosios ekstremistės slapyvardis
3. Agnė Bagočiūtė, valstybės tarnautoja
4. Agnė Kyguolytė, menotyrininkė, Švedijos gyventoja
5. Aistė Diržiūtė, studentė
6. Aivaras Stabingis, choro baritonas
7. Aušra Karklytė, žurnalistė
8. Aušra Kaziliūnaitė, poetė, filmininkė ir VPU studentė
9. Aurora Fabler, kairiosios ekstremistės slapyvardis
10. Aušra Pažėraitė, istorijos m. daktarė, judaizmo žinovė, Vilniaus Universiteto Religijos studijų ir tyrimų centro lektorė

11. Darius Pocevičius, redaktorius
12. Džiastina Laurutytė, Kelmės topmodelis
13. Donatas Paulauskas, Atgimimas ir Delfi publicistas, netradicinių žmogaus teisių aktyvistas
14. Dovilė Stonytė, psichologė, Lietuvos statistikos departamento surašymo darbuotoja
15. Eglė Cornholio, kairiosios ekstremistės slapyvardis
16. Elena Dapkūnaitė, vokiečių k. vertėja
17. Em Šaraphrodaitė, homoseksualizmo plėtros aktyvistės slapyvardis
18. Ernestas Nakties Vanduo, (Vandens Žirklės), kairiojo ekstremisto slapyvardis
19. Evaldas Balčiūnas, anarchizmo istorikas, valkatavimo bei elgetavimo ekspertas
20. Holus-bolus Tadas, kairiojo ekstremisto slapyvardis

21. Ignė Žiemelaitytė, Žėmaitėjas anarkistka
22. Indrė Kiudelytė, VU studentė
23. Indrė Leonavičiūtė, tour escort paslaugų specialistė
24. Ing Stanke, homoseksualizmo plėtros aktyvistės slapyvardis
25. Kasparas Pocius, redaktorius
26. Mantvydas Cornholio, kairiojo ekstremisto slapyvardis
27. Jūratė Bardauskė, kairuoliška homoseksualizmo plėtros entuziastė
28. Jevgenij Pagravinskij, homoseksualizmo plėtros aktyvistas
29. Ramunė Brundzaitė, namudinė poetė ir portalų rašytoja
30. Reda Gudaitis (Gudaitytė), VPU filosofė, JAV gyventoja

31. Romuald Bokėj, Švedijos gyventojas, homoseksualizmo plėtros aktyvistas
32. Roberta Raudonė, Feministinis frontas
33. Saulius Januška, nežinomas visuomenei veikėjas
33. Simonas Švėgžda, moksleivis
34. Tomas Stabingis, Šiaulių Universiteto studentas
35. Vika Matuzaitė, socialinė pedagogė, savanoriško darbo organizatorė
36. Vytautas Ganusauskas, Nyderlandų gyventojas
37. Jelena Miatlik, namų šeimininkė
38. Viktor Stiagg, kambarinis revoliucionierius

Penki "entuziastai" (Darius Pocevičius, Kasparas Pocius, Roberta Raudonė, Agnė Patackė, Mantvydas Cornholio) sukūrė šį renginį ir 4 mėnesių laikotarpyje rinko pavardes tų, kas norėtų atsikratyti neapkenčiamos „fašistinės Lietuvos Respublikos“ pilietybės ir gauti už tai bent kokį materialinį atlygį bei laukti pasiūlymų iš potencialių pirkėjų.

Kadangi dalis šitų pardavėjų slepiasi po slapyvardžiais, tai porai jų šydus "nuimsime": Mantvydas Cornholio, tai yra Mantvydas Činikas. O ponia Eglė Činikienė, g. 1955 m., puslapiuose pasirašinėja kaip Eglė Cornholio.

Kas yra tos "galva" išaiškino kosmopolitų klaikiai nekenčiamas Zeppelinus:

"Jei kas nežino – tai grupė, susijusi su tokiu prokomunistiniu tinklalapiu, kurio ideologas ir vienas pagrindinių redaktorių yra mūsų senas pažįstamas Briuselio gyventojas ir Izraelio pilietis Sergey Kanovich, Lietuvos skaitytojams geriau pažįstamas, kaip katalikiško portalo publicistas Sergejus Kanovičius. Beje, neseniai užėmęs garbingas Lietuvos žydų bendruomenės atstovo spaudai pareigas."

Plačiau čia:

Sergėjus Kanovičius – padorus Lietuvos pilietis? Paneigimas ir atsiprašymas.

Intelektualinės negalios apraiška: Facebook "akauntas" Blogeris Zeppelinus užblokuotas ... zblokuotas

Įdomiausia tai, kad jokia Lietuvos teisėsaugos struktūra absoliučiai nesidomi visų tokių kairiųjų ekstremistų ir teroristų - "antifa", "anarchistų", "naujų kairiųjų" - atvira antikonstitucine, antivalstybine, antilietuviška veikla.

Jie viešai kviečia pardavinėti "Fašistinės Lietuvos pilietybę", savo gausiai skelbiamuose straipsniukuose tyčiojasi iš Lietuvos Respublikos, ją vadindami „Litchujienija“, reikalauja "užmušti Valstybę" ir pan.

Tačiau mūsų valdantieji liberalkosmopolitai į tai nekreipia dėmesį - čia jiems juk savi, kosmopolitinio "Lietryčio" pastovūs autoriai, o štai Lietuvos Valstybės ir Lietuvių Tautos patriotai, Lietuvių kalbos ir Lietuvybės puoselėtojai šiems Lietuvių Tautos Valstybės struktūrose įsitvirtinusiems mankurtams-liberalams yra klaikus galvos skausmas, kurį būtina suniekinti ir sunaikinti bet kokia kaina.

Netgi pasinaudojus tuo teroro aktu, kurį sukėlė masonas, antinacionalistas, antikrikščionis, Izraelio ir pederastų gerbėjas...

O kas gi iš tikrųjų yra tas žudikas-teroristas Breivikas?

Visų pirma šitas Breivikas yra joks ne nacionalistas ir netgi ne nacistas, o kosmopolitas masonas: Andersas Behringas-Breivikas (g. 1979) yra Norvegų masonų ordino, šv. Jono ložės Osle narys - St. Olaus T.D. Tre Søiler Nr. 8 Osle.

Frimurer Anders Behring ... dlem/80189

Kokios jo politinės pažiūros, parodo jo paties palikti įrašai:

"...turime užtikrinti, kad paveiksime kitus kultūrinius konservatorius priimti mūsų antirasistines, homoseksualumui bei Izraeliui palankias pažiūras. Kai tai įvyks, galėsime žengti į kitą lygmenį." - Breiviko komentaras, jo paliktas "" 2009 metų rugsėjo 14 dieną.

Ir šaudė jis Norvegijos Darbo partijos narius tik todėl, kad ši partija, jo nuomone, kenkia Izraeliui bei žydams-judėjams ir palaiko musulmonus palestiniečius.

P.S. Apskritai, netgi jo tautinė kilmė neaiški - panašu, kad jo motina žydė, o ir pavardė Breivik paplitusi tarp Norvegijoje gerai žinomų žydų.

Beje, norvegų nacionalistai jau apkaltino Breiviką, kad jis dirba Izraelio Mosadui. Jau žinoma, kad Breivikas lankėsi Izraelyje (o taip pat, beje, ir Rusijoje - savo Manifeste labai giria Putiną - bei Baltarusijoje) ir ten nežinia kuo užsiiminėjo - netgi jau spėjama, kad spec. lageryje mokėsi valdyti šaunamuosius ginklus miesto sąlygomis bei partizaninės taktikos mieste.

Štai ką rašo apie masoną Breiviką Izraelio spauda:

Izraelio dienraščio „The Jerusalem Post“ straipsnis „Norway attack suspect had anti-Muslim, pro-Israel views“, kuriame Breiviko pažiūros įvardinamos kaip „proizraelietiškos... dešiniųjų pakraipų sionisto“.

Nurodoma, kad savo manifeste jis paminėjo Izraelį 359 kartus, o žydus – 324 kartus. Antai jis rašo: „Tad kovokime kartu su Izraeliu, kartu su mūsų sionistiniais broliais prieš visus antisionistus, prieš visus kultūrinius marksistus/multikultūralistus".

Žymaus žydų intelektualo Gilad Atzmon straipsnis „Was the Massacre in Norway a reaction to BDS?“ („Ar žudynės Norvegijoje buvo atsakas į Izraelio boikoto kampaniją?“), kuriame autorius kelia klausimą:

„Šiuo metu negaliu tvirtai kaltinti Izraelio, jo agentų ar savanoriškų talkininkų (sayanim), bet surinkus visą informaciją ir apsvarsčius visas galimybes, gali pasirodyti, kad Andersas Behringas Breivikas tikrai galėjo būti šabo gojus."

Štai dar vienas iš plačiai platinamų žiniasklaidoje mitų - Breivikas nusistatęs prieš "multikultūralizmą" ir kad jis "dešinysis nacionalistas" (beje, kodėl jokiam žurnalistui net nekyla elementari mintis: kaip kosmopolitas masonas gali būti vadinamas nacionalistu?).

Breiviko Manifeste rašoma visai ne taip...

Jis radikaliai nusistatęs tik prieš musulmonus (nepriklausomai nuo jų rasės), o visus kitus imigrantus (irgi nepriklausomai nuo jų rasės), kurie, jo nuomone, lengviau asimiliuojasi, laiko teigiamu reiškiniu.

Musulmonų jis nekenčia irgi dėl labai konkrečios priežasties - nes jie kenkia Izraeliui. Ir todėl Norvegijos Darbo partijos narius jis kaltina pataikavimu Palestinos musulmonams, Izraelio ir žydų priešams - užtat juos ir šaudė...

Be to Breivikas ne kartą pabrėžia, kad jis yra antirasistas, o musulmonus (atsižvelgiant būtent į jų tikybą, o ne jų rasę), rasistus, neonacius ir dešiniuosius ("kalbinius") nacionalistus laiko pagrindiniu pavojumi Europai, Europos Sąjungai ir Izraeliui.

O štai ką iš tikrųjų rašo Breivikas apie jo aršiai nekenčiamus "tautinius nacionalistus":

„Šios partijos prieš imigrantus nesimobilizuoja. Užuot tai dariusios, jos skleidžia stiprų dešinįjį nacionalizmą ir kursto prieš Europos Sąjungą nukreiptus sentimentus, taip pat antisemitizmą (ypač Lenkijos „Savigynos“ partija bei Vengrijos partija „Gyvenimas ir teisingumas“) bei priešinimąsi kitoms etninėms grupėms, ypač romams (čigonams)“, – rašoma A. B. Breiviko manifeste."

Apibendrinat šito teroristo masono pažiūras visiškai akivaizdu, kad jos kaip du vandens lašai sutampa su mūsų "anarchistų-antifų" plačiai skelbiamomis "tiesomis".

Laimei mūsų "antifininkai" dar nešaudo jiems nepatinkančių žmonių gatvėse - kol kas jie juos tik muša su geležiniais strypais per galvas viduryje dienos Kauno centre, kaip neseniai sumušė jauną mokslininką Tadą Kavolį:

Pasikėsinimas Kauno centre. VDU mokslininkas T.Kavolis – „antifašistų“ smurto auka ... urto-auka/

Bei atvirai grasina fiziniu susidorojimu lietuvių tautininkams ir patriotams savo gausiuose komentaruose - tiek, tiek Delfyje (ypač jo rusiškoje versijoje), tiek ir kituose portaluose...

Na o "raštingesni" kosmopolitai tiesiog rašo skundus visoms institucijoms, kad tautininkus-patriotus būtina išvaryti iš visų darbų ir taip numarinti juos badu.

O mūsų kosmopolitams liberali spauda ir lietuviškai sunkiai kalbantys, bet labai gausūs "žmogaus teisių gynėjai", apsimeta, kad viso to nemato ir apskritai, kad tai "nekalti vaikų žaidimai"...

Juk baisiausias pavojus kosmopolitinio liberalizmo „vertybėms“ yra Lietuvių kalba, Lietuvių Tauta ir Nepriklausoma Lietuvos Valstybė - štai šių tautinių ir valstybinių pamatinių vertybių aktyvius gynėjus bei puoselėtojus kosmopolitai liberalai kasdien savo dienraščiuose bei portaluose keikia ir siūlo uždrausti, sunaikinti, išvyti iš darbo ir kariuomenės, ir apskritai susodinti į kalėjimus...

Štai iki ko nusigyveno Lietuva, 20 metų valdoma išdavikų ir kosmopolitų, persidažiusių komjaunimo ir kompartijos CK nomenklatūrininkų-sekretorių bei KGB rezervistų.

Pabaigai retorinis klausimas - kiek dar Lietuvių Tauta kentės šitą šlykštų kasdienį tyčiojimąsi iš Lietuvių Tautos Valstybės ir pačios Tautos, iš visos Lietuvybės?

Nes neįmanoma dirbti kartu su mankurtais, dabar valdančiais Lietuvių Tautos Valstybę.

Lietuvių Tauta sukūrė Lietuvos Valstybę (ir 20 amžiuje tris kartus ją atkūrė po priešų užgrobimų) tam, kad apgintų savo gyvybinius Tautos interesus ir suklestėtų savo protėvių žemėje.

Tačiau Lietuvą jau 20 metų valdantys kosmopolitiniai išsigimėliai-mankurtai kuo toliau, tuo atkakliau siekia sunaikinti Lietuvių Tautą, Lietuvių Kalbą ir apskritai Lietuvybę.

Juk jie daro viską, kad tik Lietuviai paliktų savo protėvių žemę ir niekada nebegrįžtų, o tie patriotai, kurie lieka Lietuvoje ir bando išsaugoti Lietuvybę, visaip persekiojami ir ujami už bet kokią lietuvišką veiklą.

Lietuviai, atmerkite akis ir pasižiūrėkite, kokie kosmopolitiniai mankurtai valdo Lietuvių Tautos Valstybę...

Privalome sukurti tokią masinę Tautos partiją, kuri pajėgs nušluoti į istorijos šiukšlyną visus šituos liberal-kosmopolitinius mankurtus, nuosekliai naikinančius Lietuvių kalbą, Lietuvių Tautą ir Nepriklausomą Lietuvos Valstybę.

Vienytis ir dirbti kartu būtina visiems, kam rūpi Lietuvybė – Lietuvių Tautos, kalbos, tarmių, kultūros, gamtos, paveldo, šeimos ir doros išsaugojimas bei puoselėjimas Lietuvos Valstybėje, lietuvių etninėse žemėse ir išeivijoje.

Užteks miegoti ir bėgti į užsienius! Ten irgi ne pyragai.

Tautos jėga ne jos narių vienodume, o vienybėje siekiant pagrindinio tikslo - Tautos klestėjimo.

Todėl vienykimės, Lietuviai!

Kęstutis Čeponis yra Lietuvių Tautinio Centro tarybos narys


Žygeivis, 2011-07-29 17:24

Štai dar vienas paaiškėjęs faktas:

Naktį po žudynių, kada A. Breivikas buvo areštuotas, kažkas pakeitė jo profilį „Facebook‘e“, prirašydamas „krikščionis ir konservatorius“ .

Kas tai padarė ir kodėl?

Kol kas neaišku, o Norvegijos policija bei saugumas irgi tyli...

Ku_Klux_Klan, 2011-07-29 23:07

Snaiperis, 38 šoviniai ir baigta. Galima subtiliau,-prie kryžiaus ir dūmais paleist,... negi nežinot kaip tai daroma? kam tos kalbos, reikia dirbt tikslingai ir tiek...

Ku_Klux_Klan, 2011-07-29 23:17

Dar reikia pastoviai viešinti teisėjų pavardes, kurie nuteisia pederastų neprietelius komentatorius, prokurorų pavardes, kurie tokio pobūdžio bylas kelia ir kt.

sudaryti antivalstybinių individų išgamų sąrašą ir pavardinti jų "veiklos pasiekimus"....


O štai koks žydų "antyfašistų" vertimas (su jų "paaiškinimais"):

Translation of: ... finansuoja

Who‘s Who in Lithuanian Antifa and Anarchija? Who Supports and Finances Them?

[websites and, literally ― Who‘s Who in Lithuanian‘ Antifa and Anarchy?] Who Supports and Finances Them? ... y-2011.pdf

by Kestutis Čeponis

29 July 2011
[translation 30 July 2011 incorporating first three comments provided]

It is bewildering that no Lithuanian law-enforcement structure in any way
has taken an interest in the public anti-constitutional, anti-state, anti-
Lithuanian activity of all these leftist extremists and terrorists: ―antifa,‖
―anarchists,‖ ―the new left.‖

So far they are [just] selling [their] Lithuanian citizenship. But
before they sell Lithuania... (published by zeppelinus, March 18,
2011) ... eparduoda-

Here is the public list of cosmopolitans, anarchists, ―defenders of sexual
minorities,‖ ―the new left,‖ selling [their] citizenship in the ―fascist‖
Lithuanian state (March 18, 2011):



1. Agnė Patackė, Feminist Frontas
2. Aeon Flux, pseudonym of a [female] leftist extremist
3. Agnė Bagočiūtė, public servant
4. Agnė Kyguolytė, art historian, resident of Sweden
5. Aistė Dirţiūtė, university student
6. Aivaras Stabingis, baritone in a choir
7. Aušra Karklytė, journalist
8. Aušra Kaziliūnaitė, poet, film maker, Vilnius Pedagogical University
9. Aurora Fabler, pseudonym of [female] leftist extremist
10. Aušra Paţėraitė, doctor of history, Judaism expert, lecturer at Vilnius
University‘s Religious Studies and Research Center
11. Darius Pocevičius, editor
12. Dţiastina Laurutytė, model from Kelmė, Lithuania
13. Donatas Paulauskas, Atgimimas and Delfi writer, non-traditional human
rights activist [gay rights?]
14. Dovilė Stonytė, psychologist, Lithuanian Statistics Department census
15. Eglė Cornholio,pseudonym of [female] leftist extremist
16. Elena Dapkūnaitė, German translator
17. Em Šaraphrodaitė,pseudonym of [female] homosexuality propagation
18. Ernestas Nakties Vanduo, (Vandens Zirkles), pseudonym of [male]
leftist extremist
19. Evaldas Balčiūnas, historian of anarchism, expert on vagrancy and
20. Holus-bolus Tadas, pseudonym of [male] leftist extremist
21. Ignė Ţiemelaitytė, Zemaitijan anarchist
22. Indrė Kiudelytė,VU student
23. Indrė Leonavičiūtė, tour escort services expert
24. Ing Stanke, pseudonym of [male] homosexuality propagation activist
25. Kasparas Pocius, editor
26. Mantvydas Cornholio, pseudonym of [male] leftist extremist
27. Jūratė Bardauskė,, lefty enthusiast of homosexuality propagation
28. Yevgeniy Pagravinskiy, homosexuality propagation activist
29. Ramunė Brundzaitė, work-at-home poet and web writer
30. Reda Gudaitis (Gudaitytė), Vilnius Pedagogical University philosopher
[possibly former philosophy student?], US resident
31. Romuald Bokej, Swedish resident, homosexuality propagation activist
32. Roberta Raudonė, Feminist Front
33. Saulius Januška, activist unknown to society
33. Simonas Švėgţda, high school student
34. Tomas Stabingis, Siauliai Universiteto student
35. Vika Matuzaitė, social pedagogue, organizer of volunteer work
36. Vytautas Ganusauskas, Netherlands resident
37. Jelena Miatlik, home-maker
38. Viktor Stiagg, armchair revolutionary

Five ―enthusiasts‖ (Darius Pocevičius, Kasparas Pocius, Roberta Raudonė
Agnė Patacke, Mantvydas Cornholio) created this event [group] and over 4
months collected the names of those who would like to rid themselves of the
hated citizenship of ―the fascist Republic of Lithuania‖ and receive at least
minimal material compensation for it as well as offers from potential buyers.
Since some of these sellers are hiding behind pseudonyms, we will remove
the veils from two of them: Mantvydas Cornholio is Mantvydas Cinikas.
Mrs. Egle Ciniskienė [presumably his wife], born in 1955, signs pages on as Egle Cornholio.

Zeppelinus [a neo-Nazi blogger‘s pseudonym], so deeply hated by the
cosmopolitans, determined who the ―head‖ of is:
―If anyone doesn‘t know already, this is a group connected with the pro-
Communist webpage, whose ideologue and one of whose head
editors is our well-known Brussels resident and Israeli citizen Sergey
Kanovich, better known to Lithuanian readers as the writer Sergejus
Kanovičius on the Catholic webpage . Incidentally, he
recently took up the honorable duties of press representative of the
Lithuanian Jewish Community.

More here:

Is Sergejus Kanovičius a Good Lithuanian Citizen? A Denial
and an Apology:

An Expression of Intellectual Incompetence: Facebook Account
Blogeris Zeppelinus Blocked: ... sapraiska-

The most interesting thing is that no Lithuanian law-enforcement structure in
any way has taken an interest in the public anti-constitutional, anti-state,
anti-Lithuanian activity of all these leftist extremists and terrorists: ―antifa,‖
―anarchists,‖ ―the new left.‖

They open plea for selling ―fascist Lithuanian citizenship,‖ in their muchpublished little articles they deride the Republic of Lithuania calling her
―Litchujienija,‖ call for ―smashing the state‖ and so on.

But the liberalcosmpolitans who rule us do not pay attention to this, after all
these are their own, frequent authors of the cosmopolitan ―Lietrytis‖ [the
daily newspaper Lietuvos rytas], while the patriots of the Lithuanian State
and the Lithuanian People, proponents of the Lithuanian Language and
Lithuanian-ness are a horrible headache to the liberal mankurts insinuating
themselves in the structures of the State of the Lithuanian People, [a
headache] which must be derided and destroyed at any cost.

Even by employing the [sort of] terror act which the Mason, antinationalist,
anti-Christian, admirer of Israel and pederastas carried out...

And who really is this terrorist murderer Breivik?

First of all, this Breivik is not in any way a nationalist and not even a Nazi,
but a Mason cosmopolitan: Anders Behring-Breivik (born 1979) is a
member of the St. John Lodge in Oslo of the Norwegian Order of Masons,
St. Olaus T.D. Tre Søiler No. 8, Oslo [a street address?].

Freemason Anders Behring ... dlem/80189

His own words he left show what his political views are:

―...We must make sure that we cause other cultural conservatives to
adopt our anti-racist views favorable to homosexuality and Israel.
When that happens, we will be able to move up to another level.‖ –
comment left by Breivik on on September 14, 2009.
And he shot members of the Norwegian Labor Party only because this party,
in his opinion, is harmful to Israel and Judeans-Jews and supports
Palestinian Muslims.

P.S. In general, even his ethnic origins aren‘t clear: it seems his mother was
a Jewess, and the surname Breivik is wide-spread among well-known Jews
in Norway.

By the way, Norwegian nationalists are already accusing Breivik of working
for the Israeli Mossad. It is already known Breivik visited Israel (and also,
incidentally, Russia—his Manifesto praises Putin highly—and Belarus) and
there he was engaged in something unknown—it is already being guessed
that he did training at a special camp using firearms in urban situations and
on urban partisan tactics.

This is what the Israeli press is writing about Breivik:

The Israeli daily The Jerusalem Post in the article ―Norway Attack Suspect
Had Anti-Muslim, Pro-Israel Views‖ calls Breivik‘s views ―pro-
Israeli...right-wing Zionist.‖

It says he mentions Israel 359 times and Jews 324 times in his manifesto.
For example, he wrote: ―So let‘s fight together with Israel, together with our
brother Zionists against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural

Noted Jewish intellectual Gilad Atzmon in his article ―Was the Massacre in
Norway a Reaction to BDS?‖ raises the question:

―At this time I cannot firmly blame Israel, its agents or
volunteer helpers (sayanim), but having collected all the
information and having considered all the possibilities, it can be
shown that Anders Behring Breivik might really have been a
Shabbos goy.‖

And here is another of the widely reported media myths: that Breivik was
against ―multiculturalism‖ and that he was a ―right-wing nationalist‖ (and by
the way, why has the elementary thought not even have occurred to any
journalist: how can a Mason cosmopolitan be called a nationalist?).
Breivik‘s Manifesto says something completely different...

He was radically predisposed against Muslims exclusively (independent of
their race), and considered all other immigrants (also independent of their
race) who, in his opinion, assimilated easily a positive phenomenon.
He hates Muslims, again, for a very specific reason: because they harm
Israel. And therefore he accused members of the Norwegian Labor Party of
obsequiousness toward Muslim Palestinians, the enemies of Israel and Jews,
and for that reason shot them.

Furthermore, Breivik many times has stressed he is an anti-racist, and that he
considers Muslims (in regard to their faith, not race), racists, neo-Nazis and
right-wing (―talk‖) nationalists the primary threat to Europe, the European
Union and Israel.

And here‘s what Breivik really wrote about the ―ethnic nationalists‖ he so
fiercely hated:

―These parties against immigrants do not mobilize. Instead of doing that,
they propagate strong right-wing nationalist and incite sentiments directed
against the European Union, as well as antisemitism (especially Poland‘s
Self-Defense party and Hungary‘s Life and Justice party), and opposition to
other ethnic groups, especially Roma (Gypsies),‖ A. B. Breivik writes in his

In summing up the views of this Mason terrorist, it is totally clear that they
coincide like two peas in a pod with the ―truths‖ broadly proclaimed by out

Fortunately our ―antifaists‖ still aren‘t shooting people they don‘t like on the
streets, so far they just beat them with iron bars in the head in the middle of
the day in the center of Kaunas, as was recently beaten the young academic
Tadas Kavolis:

Attempted Murder in the Middle of Kaunas: Vytautas Magnus University
Academic T. Kavolis the Victim of ―Antifa‖ Violence ... %E2%80%93-

And openly threaten physical harm to Lithuanian patriots in their many
comments on as well as (especially the Russian-language
version), and other websites...

But the more ―literate‖ cosmopolitans write complaints directly to all
institutions [saying] that ethnic patriots must be driven out of all
employment and thus left to die of hunger.

But the press so liberal to our cosmopolitans and the ―human rights
defenders,‖ speaking broken Lithuanian although in great numbers, pretend
that they don‘t see any of this and that in general this is nothing but
―innocent children‘s games‖...

After the all the gravest danger to the ―values‖ of the cosmopolitan
liberalism is the Lithuanian Language, the Lithuanian People and the
Independent State of Lithuania: it is the active defenders and proponents of
these ethnic and fundamental state values who are daily cursed by the liberal
cosmopolitans in their newspapers and on their websites, calling for banning,
destroying and driving them out of work and out of the military and in
general putting them in prison...

This is what Lithuania has come to, governed for twenty years by traitors
and cosmopolitans, who have rebranded themselves from the Communist

Youth, the Communist Party Central Committee secretary-nomenklaturists
and KGB reserves.

In closing, a rhetorical question: how much more will the Lithuanian People
suffer this disgusting daily derision of the State of the Lithuanian People and
the People themselves, of all Lithuanian-ness?

Because it is impossible to work with the mankurts now governing the State
of the Lithuanian People.

The Lithuanian People created the Lithuanian State (and thrice recreated it
during the 20th century after seizure by enemies) in order to defend the vital
interests of the People and to thrive on the land of their ancestors.

But the retarded cosmopolitan mankurts who have run Lithuania for twenty
years now seek to destroy the Lithuanian People, the Lithuanian Language
and Lithuanian-ness overall, and the more things go on, the more stubbornly
[do they seek to accomplish this].

Haven‘t they done everything in order to make Lithuanians leave the land of
their forefathers never to return? And aren‘t those patriots who stay in
Lithuania and attempt to preserve Lithuanian-ness persecuted in every
manner and decried for every and any Lithuanian activity?

Lithuanians, wake up and take a good look at the cosmopolitan mankurts
who govern the State of the Lithuanian People...

We are compelled to create such a massive People‘s Party that it will be
capable of sweeping all these liberal-cosmopolitan mankurts who are
comprehensively destroying the Lithuanian Language, the Lithuanian People
and the Independent State of Lithuania into the dustbin of history.

Everyone who cares about Lithuanian-ness—the preservation and
celebration of the Lithuanian People, Language, Dialects, Culture, Nature,
Heritage, Family and Morality in the State of Lithuania, ethnic Lithuanian
lands and in exile—must unite and work together.

Enough sleeping and running away to other countries! It is not milk and
honey there either.

The strength of the People lies not in the homogeneity of its members, but in
unity seeking the main goal: the prosperity of the People.

So let‘s unite, Lithuanians!

Kestutis Čeponis is a member of the board of directors of the Lithuanian Nationalist Center


[by] Žygeivis, July 29, 2011 5:24 PM

Here‘s another fact that‘s come to light:

The night after the massacre, when A. Breivik was [already] arrested,
someone changed his profile on Facebook, writing ―Christian and

Who did that and why?

It still isn‘t clear, and the Norwegian police and security are also remaining

[by] Ku_Klux_Klan, July 29, 2011 11:07 PM

Sniper, 38 [caliber] ammunition, and the end. It can be done more subtly,-on
the cross and letting smoke out,... do you really not know how this is done?
who needs talk, [we] need to work accurately and that‘s all...

[by] Ku_Klux_Klan, July 29, 2011 11:17 PM

[We] still need to constantly publicize the names of judges who convict
[internet] commentators unfriendly to pederasts, the names of prosecutors
who bring such cases and others to make a list of retarded anti-state
individuals and to name their ―achievements‖...

Tautos jėga ne jos narių vienodume, o vienybėje siekiant pagrindinio tikslo - Tautos klestėjimo.

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 Aprašymas Siųsti asmeninę žinutę  
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StandartinėParašytas: 21 Vas 2013 02:23 
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Užsiregistravo: 05 Spa 2006 01:16
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Miestas: Ignalina
Translation of:

Grupė visuomeninių organizacijų šiuos metus paskelbė 1941 m. birželio sukilimo metais ... mo-metais/
2011 03 19 16:12


Paminklas laisvės kovotojams

Grupė nevyriausybinių organizacijų išplatino deklaraciją, raginančią deramai pažymėti 1941 m. birželio sukilimo 70-ties metų sukaktį.

1941 m. birželio sukilimas – tai Lietuvos aktyvistų fronto (LAF) surengtas sukilimas prieš okupacinį Sovietų Sąjungos režimą.

Sukilimas buvo pradėtas pirmąją Vokietijos-Sovietų Sąjungos karo dieną – birželio 22 ir vyko savaitę.

Sukilėliai sudarė Lietuvos Laikinąją vyriausybę, kuri 1941 m. birželio 23 d. per Kauno radiją paskelbė Nepriklausomos Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo deklaraciją ir atsišaukimą į lietuvių tautą.

Taip pat buvo paskelbta Lietuvos Laikinosios vyriausybės sudėtis.

Kovos su besitraukiančiais Raudonosios armijos daliniais ir komunistų aktyvistais visoje Lietuvoje. Lietuvoje vienintelėje iš sovietų okupuotų kraštų prasidėjus Vokietijos-Sovietų Sąjungos karui kilo ginkluotas sukilimas.


Paminklas plk. Kaziui Škirpai, Berlyno LAF vadovui ir 1941 m. birželio sukilimo organizatoriui Petrašiūnų kapinėse Kaune, nuotr.

Pilietinių nevyriausybinių organizacijų deklaracija

Šie metai Lietuvai yra 1941 m. birželio sukilimo 70-ieji jubiliejiniai metai. To laikmečio piliečių pasiaukojimas ir drąsa negali būti užmiršti.

Lenkiame galvas prieš sukilimo organizatorius, siekusius pasipriešinti pasaulį terorizavusiems totalitarizmams, išsakome padėką tautos dukroms ir sūnums, nepagailėjusiems gyvybių už tėvynės laisvę ir pamintos jos garbės sugrąžinimą.

Tačiau metams prasidėjus, iš oficialiųjų valdžios institucijų veik neišgirdome, ką realiai nuveiksime mąstydami apie Laisvės kovos ir didžiųjų netekčių sukaktį – vieną iš garbingiausių ir tragiškiausių naujausios mūsų Tautos istorijos puslapių. Kaip ir nematome reikšmingesnių istorikų studijų apie ano valstybingumo praradimo eigą, apie kai kurių to periodo visuomenės grupių vidinės demoralizacijos priežastis. Kaip ir apie žmones, atlikusius Tautos organizavimo, jos išsaugojimo veiksmus sunkiomis dviejų okupacijų ir pasaulinio karo sąlygomis.

Pasakytume dar daugiau: dalies istorikų, kai kurių Lietuvos istorijos instituto vadovų išsakomos mintys apie asmenis, rengusius dirvą Vasario 16-osios sėjai, labai primena kvietimą žengti į visišką akligatvį – tokiame yra atsidūrusios teisėtvarkos institucijos teisės srityje.

Todėl apmąstę, ką jubiliejiniais metais galėtų nuveikti pati visuomenė, ir tikėdamiesi, kad didelius darbus žmonių iniciatyvos pagrindais gali nudirbti ne tik mūsų organizacijų nariai, bet ir visi Lietuvos piliečiai – organizuodamiesi svarbiausiems valstybingumo uždaviniams vykdyti, bei organizuodami tam kitus ir pasiremdami mūsų valstybės Konstitucijos normomis, draudžiančiomis Tautos suvereniteto varžymą,

Skelbiame šiuos metus 1941 m. Birželio sukilimo įvykių tyrimo ir jų įamžinimo metais.

Tam laikmečiui skiriama savo veiksmų programa norime paskatinti žmones burtis bendriems darbams, kad visuose Lietuvos pakraščiuose atsirastų iniciatyvos. Tarp jų ir aiškinantis mums svarbius netolimos praeities įvykius.

Mūsų parengti darbų siūlymai skiriami demokratinei, savivaldos pagrindais besitvarkančiai visuomenei. Tačiau tikime, kad paramos sulauksime ir iš sąžiningų profesionalių istorikų, kultūros veikėjų, valstybės institucijų. Manome, kad šiandien kaip niekad svarbu išnagrinėti priežastis, atvedusias į ano iki okupacinio periodo politinio elito veiklos, o vėliau ir valstybingumo, paralyžių ketvirtajame praėjusio šimtmečio dešimtmetyje.

Svarbu sąžiningai išsiaiškinti, kodėl su abiem svetimomis jėgomis, pasikėsinusiomis į Lietuvos valstybingumą, kolaboravo gana žymi visuomenės dalis, padariusi daug skausmo bendrapiliečiams arba net baisių nusikaltimų. Turime mintyse ne tik lietuvių kančias, bet ir nacių organizuotą žydų bei romų tautybių Lietuvos piliečių naikinimą, kai vis dar nepasakoma, kiek ir kokių lietuvių ar kitų tautybių žmonių tam talkino. Ir kodėl tai darė. Kad nebūtų iškraipoma tiesa apie to laiko įvykius. Ir kad istorijos mokslas netarnautų prieš valstybę nukreiptoms politinėms spekuliacijoms.

Nevyriausybinių ir jaunimo organizacijų vardu:

Pilietinių nevyriausybinių organizacijų siūlymai pažymint jubiliejinius 70-tuosius 1941 m. Birželio sukilimo metus

Sukilimo 70-osios metinės sudaro galimybę lietuviams, kuriame pasaulio pakraštyje jie begyventų, organizuotis į vieningą bendruomenę. Tik taip savo bendra veikla, savo darbais tapsime verti tų, kurių dalis anuomet paaukojo visa kas brangiausia, dažnai ir gyvybes, dėl mūsų Tėvynės laisvės ir mūsų ateities.

Tačiau šia programa pajėgiame atspindėti tik dalies Lietuvos visuomenės mintis. Ji jokiu būdu nevaržo tautiečių įvairiuose pasaulio ir šalies regionuose savaip, pagal atskiras programas pažymėti svarbiuosius įvykius, kuriems dėmesį skirsime visus metus.

Kviečiame mūsų valstybės struktūras, ir pirmiausia J. E. Prezidentę, Lietuvos Seimą ir Vyriausybę sutelkti rimčiausias intelektualines pajėgas sudėtingiausiam naujausios mūsų istorijos tarpsniui deramai ištirti, pristatyti jį mūsų Tautai ir pasaulio visuomenei. O visas lietuvių krikščioniškąsias bažnytines konfesijas palaiminti tam skirtus žmonių darbus.

Šiuose siūlymuose numatome:

1. Darbus, kuriuos atlikti galima organizuotos visuomenės jėgomis (talkomis) sudarius pilietinių nevyriausybinių bei jaunimo organizacijų regionines darbo grupes:

Bendravalstybinį paminklinių (atminimo) lentų su specialia Sukilimo piktograma sukūrimą.

Reikšmingiausių 1941 m. birželio sukilimo vietų pagrindiniuose centruose Kaune ir Vilniuje (LAF štabų, kautynių su sovietais) nustatymą, kreipimąsi į savivaldybes dėl šių vietų paženklinimo minėtomis paminklinėmis lentomis.

Kautynių su okupacinėmis pajėgomis regionuose (Varėnoje, Alytuje, Zarasuose ir kt.) nustatymą ir pažymėjimą.

Žuvusių sukilėlių ir partizanų kapaviečių tvarkymą kaip nuolatinį visuomenės veikimą. Sukilėlių atminimui memorialinių parkų ir medžių gojelių ateinantį pavasarį ir rudenį sodinimą.

2. Konferencijų (mokslinių ir paminėjimų mūšių vietose, mokyklose) organizavimą.

Sukilimui ir istorijoje nuslėptajam laikmečiui skirtų mokslinių konferencijų planavimas ir organizavimas turėtų tapti Vyriausybės ir Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centro darbu. Kaip visuomeniniai dariniai esame pasiryžę prie to prisidėti rinkdami žinias apie dar gyvus įvykių liudininkus, fiksuodami pasakojimus vietose, organizuodami paminėjimus mokyklose, darbus derindami su savivaldybių švietimo skyriais. Ypatingai daug šioje srityje be mokytojų gali nuveikti etnografai, kraštotyrininkai, vietos kunigai, šaulių ir savanorių organizacijų nariai.

Virtualus įvykių tinklapis turėtų apimti:

Tarptautinę situaciją sudariusią sąlygas Molotovo-Ribentropo paktui atsirasti. Negatyvų kolaborantų vaidmenį parengiant pirmąją Baltijos šalių sovietinę okupaciją. LAF-o organizavimąsi sovietų okupuotoje Lietuvoje. Sukilimą ir Laikinosios Vyriausybės sudarymą.

Sukilimo ypatingą svarbą pilietinei savigarbai atsigauti. Valstybingumo kėlimo klausimus nacių okupacijos sąlygomis: ko siekė vokiškieji okupantai? Sukilėlių ir Laikinosios vyriausybės narių likimus.

Sukilėlius ir antinacinio bei antisovietinio pasipriešinimo organizacijas po antrosios sovietinės okupacijos. Sovietinių okupantų planus civilių gyventojų atžvilgiu karo atvejui.

Okupantų įvykdytų žudynių Lietuvoje ir kitose Baltijos šalyse palyginimą. 1938–1940 m. laikotarpio istorijos (nuslėptojo laikmečio) „nušvietimą“ po 1990 m. kovo 11-osios.

3. Pažintinės metodinės medžiagos kūrimą.

Ieškoti finansavimo dokumentiniams filmams apie to laikmečio žmones, tarp jų apie Birželio sukilimo dalyvius. Surinkti ir išleisti Sukilimo ir Laikinosios Vyriausybės narių nuotraukų rinkinius.

4. Birželio sukilimo epizodų inscenizavimą.

Pasiūlyti Kauno, Klaipėdos ir kt. karo istorijos klubams metų bėgyje surengti renginius atkartojant Sukilimo įvykius Kaune, Varėnoje , Vilniuje ir kitur.

5. Visą medžiagą, kurią jubiliejinių Birželio sukilimo metų bėgyje pavyktų surinkti, pasiūlyti žiniasklaidai.

Sieksime, kad radijo klausytojus ir televizijos žiūrovus metų eigoje ne kartą pasiektų Sukilimo vadovo L. Prapuolenio kreipimosi į valstybės gyventojus žodžiai.

6. Lietuvos Laikinosios Vyriausybės vadovo Juozo Ambrazevičiaus-Brazaičio palaikų perkėlimą.

Giminėms suderinus leidimus perkelti šio įžymaus lietuvių kultūros ir visuomenės veikėjo palaikus iš JAV į Kauną, palaikų perlaidojimo ceremonijai sieksime valstybinių laidotuvių statuso.

Pilietinių nevyriausybinių ir ypač jaunimo organizacijų nariai kuo galėdami prisidėsime, kad žinia apie šio žmogaus gyvenimą ir veiklą, apie jo bendražygius pasiektų visus mūsų organizacijų narius, visas šalies vietoves, o asmens atminimas taptų įamžintas deramai pagal jo nuopelnus Tautos istorijai.

Deklaracijos signatarai

Lietuvos 1941 m. birželio 22-28 d. sukilėlių sąjungos tarybos pirmininkas Alfonsas Žaldokas
LR Krašto apsaugos bičiulių klubo valdybos pirmininkas ats. majoras Antanas Burokas
Nepriklausomybės gynėjų sąjungos valdybos pirmininkas ats. pulkininkas Jonas Gečas
Lietuvos kariuomenės karių, nukentėjusių nuo sovietinio ir nacistinio genocide, artimųjų sąjungos pirmininkas Vytautas Zabielskas
Lietuvos atsargos karininkų sąjungos pirmininkas dim.plk. lt. Algirdas Jurkevičius
Lietuvos kariuomenės savanorių draugijos pirmininko pavaduotojas ats. eilinis Simonas Grigonis
Lietuvos kariuomenės rezervo karių organizacijos prezidentas ats. Vytautas Čepukas
Atsargos karininkų sąjunga – ats. plk. Romas Žibas
Lietuvos Sąjūdžio pirmininkas Rytas Kupčinskas
Lietuvos laisvės kovų-Miško brolių draugija Albinas Kentra
Lietuvai pagražinti draugijos pirmininkas Juozas Dingelis
Lietuvos moterų lygos pirmininkė Ona Voverienė
Lietuvos Laisvės kovų sąjūdžio pirmininkas Jonas Čeponis
Dingusių žmonių šeimų paramos centro pirmininkė Ona Gustienė
Vyskupo M. Valančiaus blaivybės sąjūdžio valdybos pirmininkas Juozas Šaulys
Lietuvių fronto bičiulių sąjūdžio pirmininkas Kęstutis Milkeraitis
Lietuvių tautinio centro pirmininkas Ričardas Čekutis
Lietuvos Vytautų klubo pirmininkas Vytautas Paulaitis


Group of Public Organizations Announce

This the Year of the June 1941 Uprising ... -Alkas.pdf

March 19, 2011


Photo: Monument to freedom fighters

A group of non-governmental organizations have released a declaration
calling for appropriately marking the 70th anniversary of the June 1941

The June 1941 uprising was an uprising prepared by the Lithuanian Activist
Front (LAF) against the occupational regime of the Soviet Union.

The uprising was begun the first day of the German-Soviet war, on June 22, and
lasted a week.

The insurgents formed the Provisional Government of
Lithuania which on 23 June 1941 announced the declaration of the
restoration of the Independent State of Lithuania and a call to the Lithuanian
nation on Kaunas radio.

The composition of the Provisional Government of
Lithuania was also announced. Battles with withdrawing Red Army units
and Communist activists through Lithuania. Lithuania was the only Soviet occupied country where an armed insurrection began with the advent of the German-Soviet war.


Photo: Monument to colonel Kazys Skirpa, leader of the Berlin LAF and organizer of the June, 1941, uprising, at Petrasiunai cemetery in Kaunas.

Declaration by Civic Non-Governmental Organizations

This year is the 70th anniversary year of the June 1941 uprising for
Lithuania. The sacrifice and bravery of the citizens of that period cannot be

We bow our heads to the organizers of the uprising who tried to oppose the
world and the terrorizing totalitarianisms, we say thank you to the daughters
and sons of the nation who did not cling to life out of love of homeland and
for the return of her [the nation’s] trampled honor.

The year having begun, however, we have heard next to nothing from
official government institutions about what we will actually do in thinking
about the anniversary of the Fight for Freedom and Great Losses, one of the
most honorable and tragic pages in the modern history of our Nation. Just as
we do not see either more significant studies by historians about the course
of events of that loss of statehood, about the reasons for internal
demoralization of certain social groups from that period. Just as [we do not
see studies either] about the people who performed the tasks for organizing
and protecting the Nation under the difficult conditions of two occupations
and a world war.

We would say even more: the thoughts expressed by some historians and by
certain leaders of the Lithuanian History Institute on the people who
prepared the soil for the crop of February 16th resemble more an invitation
to enter into a complete dead end: such a place is where law enforcement
institutions in the field of law have ended up.

So we thought what society itself could do during this anniversary year and
believing that not only members of our organization can accomplish great
works based on the people’s initiative, but that all Lithuanian citizens can,
by organizing to carry out the important tasks of statehood and by
organizing others to do the same, and by adhering to the standards of our
state’s Constitution outlawing the repression of the sovereignty of the Nation.
We proclaim this year the Year of Studying and Commemorating the Events
of the June 1941 Uprising.

In the program dedicated to that period we want to encourage people to join
together in joint work so that initiatives will appear in all Lithuanian lands.
Including those explaining to us important events in the recent past.

The suggestions for actions we have prepared are intended for a democratic
society ordered on the foundations of self-rule. But we also hope to receive
support from honest professional historians, cultural figures and state
institutions as well. We believe that today it is more important than ever
before to analyze the motivations leading to the action by the political elite
of that pre-occupational period and later to statehood, in the paralysis of the
1930s. It is important to determine honestly why a rather large part of
society collaborated with both foreign powers trying to extinguish
Lithuanian statehood, causing much pain to their compatriots or even
committing terrible crimes [against them]. We have in our thoughts not just
the suffering of Lithuanians, but also the extermination of Lithuanian
citizens of Jewish and Roma ethnicity organized by the Nazis, while it still
isn’t being said how many and which Lithuanians or people of other
ethnicities collaborated in that. And why they did. So that the truth about the
events of that time wouldn’t be distorted. And so that the science of history
wouldn’t serve political speculations aimed against the state.

In the name of non-governmental and youth organizations:

Civic non-governmental organizations in marking the 70th anniversary of
the June 1941 uprising

The 70th anniversary of the Uprising provides Lithuanians, wherever they
live in the world, the opportunity to organize as a united community. Only in
this way, through common activity, can we through our work become
worthy of those, some of whom at that time sacrificed all that is most dear,
often their lives, for the freedom of our Homeland and our future.

But we are only able to reflect the thoughts of part of Lithuanian society in
this program. It in no way limits compatriots in all world and national
regions to mark the important events on which we will be focused the entire
year in their own way under different programs.

We invite state structures, and first of all Her Excellency the President, the
Lithuanian Parliament and the Government, to assemble their most serious
intellectual forces for correctly examining this complex part of our modern
history, to present it to our Nation and the society of the world. And for all
ecclesiastical Lithuanian Christian confessions to bless the work of people
dedicated to that.

In these suggestions we foresee:

1. Tasks which can be accomplished by the forces of organized society
(volunteers) comprised of civic non-governmental and youth organization
regional working groups:

Creation of general national commemorative plaques with an Uprising

Determination of the most significant sites of the June 1941 uprising sites in
the main centers of Kaunas and Vilnius (LAF headquarters, battles with
Soviets). Appeal to municipalities to mark these sites with the
aforementioned commemorative plaques.

Determining locations of and marking battles with occupational powers in
the regions (Varena, Alytus, Zarasai and elsewhere).

Refurbishing gravesites of insurgents and partisans who perished as a
continuous operation by society. Planting a memorial park and tree lane in
memory of the insurgents in spring and autumn.

2. Organizing conferences (at academic sites and places where battles are
commemorated and at schools).

Planning and organization of academic conferences dedicated to the period
of the uprising hidden from history should become the task of the
Government and the Center for the Study of the Genocide and Resistance of
Lithuanian Residents. As members of society we are ready to contribute
through collecting information about still-living witnesses, setting
testimonies in context, organizing commemorations at schools and through
coordinating work with municipal education departments. Besides teachers,
ethnographers, regional studies scholars, local priests and members of the
sharpshooters and volunteer organizations [LAF and associated “partisans”]
can achieve much in this area.

A virtual webpage [sic] of the events should include:

The conditions precipitating the international situation giving rise to the
Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. The role of negative collaborators in preparation
for the first Soviet occupation of the Baltic states. Organization of LAF in
Soviet-occupied Lithuania. Composition of the uprising and the Provisional
Government. The special importance of the uprising for reviving civic selfrespect.
Issues of presenting statehood under conditions of Nazi occupation:

what did the German occupiers want? The fate of the insurgents and
members of the Provisional Government. Insurgents and anti-Nazi as well as
anti-Soviet resistance organizations after the second Soviet occupation.
Plans by Soviet occupiers for civilian residents in case of war. Comparing
mass murders committed by occupiers in Lithuania and other Baltic states.
The “elucidation” of the 1938-1940 period (hidden from history) after
March 11, 1990.

3. Creation of methodical educational material

To seek financing for documentary films about people of that period,
including on the members of the June uprising. To collect and publish
collections of photographs of Uprising and Provisional Government

4. Dramatization of June uprising episodes

To suggest to the Kaunas, Klaipeda and other military history clubs to stage
events over the course of the year recreating the events of the Uprising in
Kaunas, Varena, Vilnius and other places.

5. To offer all material collected over the course of the year of the
anniversary of the June uprising to the media.

We will attempt to make sure that the words of the address of Insurgent
Leader L. Prapuolenis to the residents of the country will reach radio
listeners and television viewers multiple times over the course of the year.

6. Reburial of the remains of head of the Provisional Government of
Lithuania Juozas Ambrazevicius-Brazaitis.

Relatives having taken care of all permissions for exhuming the remains of
this remarkable Lithuanian cultural and social figure and moving them from
the USA to Kaunas, we will strive to have the reburial ceremony given the
status of state funeral.

Members of non-governmental and especially youth organizations will
contribute as much as we can so that information about the life and activities
of this person and his colleagues would reach all members of our
organizations and all places in the country, and so that the memory of this
person would be commemorated in fitting with his acts of merit to the
history of the Nation.

Declaration signatories:

Director of the board, the Union of Insurgents of the Lithuanian
Uprising of June 22-26, 1941, Alfonsas Zaldokas
Director of the board of the Friends of Lithuanian National
Defense Club, retired major Antanas Burokas
Director of the board, Union of Defenders of Independence, retired
colonel Jonas Gecas
Director, Union of Relatives of Lithuanian Military Soldiers Who
Suffered under the Soviet and Nazi Genocides, Vytautas

Chairman, Union of Lithuanian Reserve Officers, lieutenant
colonel Algirdas Jurkevicius
Deputy director, Association of Lithuanian Military Volunteers,
retired private Simonas Grigonis
President, Organization of Lithuanian Military Reserve Soldiers,
lieutenant colonel Vytautas Cepukas
Union of Reserve Officers, retired colonel Romas Zibas
Director, Lithuanian Sajudis, Rytas Kupčinskas
Association of Lithuanian Freedom Fighters/Forest Brothers,
Albinas Kentra
Director, Association for the Beautification of Lithuania, Juozas

Director, Lithuanian Womens League, Ona Voveriene
Director, Union of Lithuanian Freedom Battles [sic, “Fighters”],
Jonas Ceponis
Director, Center for the Support of Families of Missing People,
Ona Gustiene
Director of board, Bishop. M. Valancius Sobriety Movement,
Juozas Saulys
Director, Movement of Friends of the Lithuanian Front, Kestutis

Chairman, Lithuanian Nationalist Center, Ricardas Cekutis
Chairman, Club of Lithuanian Vytautases, Vytautas Paulaitis

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Miestas: Ignalina
Exposé in Lithuania
4 May 2013

Three Major Lithuanian Sites Claim that Neo-Nazi Internet Figure “Zeppelinus,” a Hater of Poles, Jews, Roma, Russians, Blacks and Gays is actually…

Reports from Lithuanian Media Claim that Neo-Nazi “Zeppelinus” is Unmasked as — A Government Official! ... cial/53316

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StandartinėParašytas: 17 Gru 2015 03:54 
Svetainės tvarkdarys
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Užsiregistravo: 05 Spa 2006 01:16
Pranešimai: 27185
Miestas: Ignalina
Net ir mano seną straipsnį "raudonieji" žydai nepatingėjo išversti į anglų kalbą... :)

Translation of:

Kęstutis Čeponis. Kas yra kas „lietuviškose“ Antifa ir Anarchija? Kas jas remia bei finansuoja?

2011-07-29 ... finansuoja

Who‘s Who in Lithuanian Antifa and Anarchija?
[websites and, literally ― Who‘s
Who in Lithuanian‘ Antifa and Anarchy?]
Who Supports and Finances Them?

by Kestutis Čeponis
29 July 2

[translation 30 July 2011 incorporating first three comments provided] ... y-2011.pdf

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StandartinėParašytas: 26 Lap 2017 18:09 
Svetainės tvarkdarys
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Užsiregistravo: 05 Spa 2006 01:16
Pranešimai: 27185
Miestas: Ignalina ... ?c=1217170

№123 毛 泽东 - Kęstutis Čeponis (№86)

---- Вам же советую прочитать эту статью - чтобы вы убедились, что я не какой то фейк... ;)----

Лень читать весь этот бред. Вы мне, пожалуйста, вот только на этот опрос ответьте:

Who Supports and Finances Them?

№168 Kęstutis Čeponis, Литва - 毛 泽东 (№123)

Сайт по моему мнению финансируется еврейскими организациями, а скорее всего и на прямую Израилем.

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