Nacionalistas - Tautininkas - Patriotas - Žygeivis - Laisvės karys (Kalba - Istorija - Tauta - Valstybė)

Puslapis 11

Autorius:  Walther [ 22 Rgp 2011 17:00 ]

Per ,,šventą" musulmonams ramadaną taikos religija islamas, kaip ir kas mėnesį, ryškiai prisidėjo prie taikaus pasaulio kūrimo. Rezultate rugpjūčio 1 d. - rugpjūčio 22 d. pavakare turime 119 teroro aktus visame pasaulyje su 500 lavonų (žr. suvestinę apačioje; norėjau išversti į lietuvių kalbą, bet nuo apimties net silpna pasidarė... Žygeivis, tikiuosi, nesupyks...).

Tiesa, panižo rankos šį straipsnelį parašyti dabar, nesulaukus ramadano bombatlono pabaigos. Antraip skaičiai būtų dar aštresni.

Visų kitų religijų vardu per tą patį laikotarpį neįvykdytas nė vienas teroro aktas. ,,Dešinieji anti-islamistai" taipogi nieko nepadarė.

Iš viso islamo vardu nuo rugsėjo 11-osios pasalyje įvykdyta apie 17 000 teroro atakų.

Date      Country City  Killed  Injured            Description
2011.08.22 Afghanistan Gereshk 2; 4 A child and a shopowner are successfully killed by Mujahideen bombers at a market.
2011.08.21 Dagestan Makhachkala 0; 17 Children are among the casualties when Islamic 'separatists' set off two bombs at a grocery store.
2011.08.21 Nigeria Riyom 6; 0 Fulani raiders attack a Christian village, hacking six to death, including women and children.
2011.08.21 Nigeria Bajju 2; 3 Suspected Muslim radicals shoot two Christians to death in their homes, including a 5-year-old boy.
2011.08.21 Yemen Arqoup 9; 20 Nine members of a tribal gathering are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2011.08.21 Yemen Moudia 4; 0 Four people are torn to pieces by an al-Qaeda suicide bomber with a ball-bearing packed belt.
2011.08.20 Iraq Hadid 3; 0 Three family members are killed by Mujahideen bombers.
2011.08.20 Afghanistan Ghazni 3; 2 Religious extremists take out three civilians with a roadside bomb.
2011.08.20 Nigeria Borno 4; 0 Islamists burst into a home and murder four people watching television.
2011.08.20 Israel Beersheba 1; 8 Children are among the casualties when Hamas sends rockets into an Israeli town.
2011.08.19 Afghanistan Kabul 9; 16 Two Holy Warriors detonate themselves in front of the British council, killing nine innocents.
2011.08.19 Pakistan Jamrud 56; 123 A devout Shahid detonates a ball-bearing packed suicide vest at a crowded mosque, slaughtering over fifty others.
2011.08.19 Thailand Pattani 2; 0 Two Buddhist mattress salesmen, father and son, are shot in the head by Muslim 'activists'.
2011.08.18 Afghanistan Gardez 2; 0 A Shahid suicide bomber kills two guards trying to stop him.
2011.08.18 Israel Eilat 8; 30 Eight Israelis, including four family members, die when Arab snipers open fire on buses and cars.
2011.08.18 Afghanistan Herat 24; 9 Seven children are among two dozen bus passengers torn to shreds by Taliban bombers.
2011.08.18 Pakistan Tirah 1; 0 The Taliban behead a man for 'crimes against Islam'.
2011.08.18 Ingushetia Nazran 1; 0 Three Muslim extremists shoot a cop to death in his home.
2011.08.18 Pakistan Quetta 1; 0 A mosque official is gunned down by rivals.
2011.08.17 Algera Beni Aissa 2; 1 A bus driver is among two people who lose their lives to a fundamentalist ambush.
2011.08.17 Iraq Tarmiya 2; 7 A suicide bomber takes down two family members in their own home.
2011.08.17 Iraq Baghdad 2; 3 Jihad gunmen kill a cafe owner and marketplace patron in separate attacks.
2011.08.17 Thailand Pattani 1; 0 An elderly Buddhist school bus driver is murdered by Islamic snipers.
2011.08.17 Thailand Narathiwat 3; 0 A rubber tapper is among three civilians shot to death by Muslim gunmen in separate attacks.
2011.08.17 Pakistan Chamarkand 2; 0 A man and his son are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2011.08.16 Iraq Buhriz 2; 0 Two boys are shot to death in their own home by 'insurgents'.
2011.08.16 Afghanistan Kandahar 1; 0 Fundamentalist gunmen murder an 18-year-old teenager as she is getting into her car.
2011.08.16 Afghanistan Uruzgan 8; 8 Eight innocents are dismantled by a Taliban motorcycle bomb at a market.
2011.08.16 Iraq Mosul 8; 12 Eight local police are murdered in two separate bombings.
2011.08.16 Pakistan Karachi 1; 0 Nasabi-Wahhabi terrorists gun down a Shia shopkeeper.
2011.08.15 Iraq Bani Sa'ad 12; 33 Sunni car bombers take down eight Shia. Four other Iraqis are gunned down in a separate attack.
2011.08.15 Iraq Karbala 3; 41 Three Iraqis are taken down by Mujahid car bombers.
2011.08.15 Iraq Tikrit 6; 10 Suicide bombers send six Iraqis to Allah.
2011.08.15 Iraq Kirkuk 0; 14 Fourteen are injured when Muslims bomb a church.
2011.08.15 Yemen al-Jouf 14; 5 An al-Qaeda suicide attack leaves fourteen Shiite tribesmen dead.
2011.08.15 Iraq Najaf 11; 74 Seven Shias are left dead after a brutal bombing by Sunni militants.
2011.08.15 Iraq Kut 42; 75 Over three dozen shoppers at a market are snuffed out by al-Qaeda bombers. The dead include twelve children.
2011.08.15 Iraq Karbala 3; 41 A Jihad car bomb leaves at least three dead.
2011.08.15 Iraq Yusufiya 7; 0 al-Qaeda kidnap seven Sahwa members from a mosque and execute them in cold blood.
2011.08.15 Nigeria Heipang 9; 1 Seven children are among a Christian family of nine brutally murdered in their home by Muslim raiders.
2011.08.15 Nigeria Foron 3; 0 Three people are hacked to death by angry Muslims with machetes
2011.08.15 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 4; 8 Four guards at a fuel depot die during a Fedayeen assault.
2011.08.15 Nigeria Sokoto 6; 0 A half-dozen Nigerians are taken out by Boko Haram terrorists.
2011.08.14 Pakistan Miramshah 3; 25 Three local soldiers are killed when Islamic militants fire rockets into their camp during a celebration.
2011.08.14 Afghanistan Charikar 22; 34 Five Fedayeen stage a suicide assault on a government compound, shooting and blasting at least twenty-two others to death.
2011.08.14 Algeria Tizi Ouzou 0; 33 'Thanks to Allah' an al-Qaeda suicide bomber injures at least thirty-three people, including foreigners.
2011.08.14 Thailand Pattani 1; 0 'Insurgents' shoot a man to death outside a mosque.
2011.08.14 Iraq Baghdad 8; 13 Separate bombings targeting security personnel leave at least eight dead.
2011.08.14 Ingushetia Dattykh 4; 7 Four security personnel are executed by Muslim gunmen.
2011.08.14 Pakistan Karachi 0; 1 A Christian is beaten with iron rods after declining an offer to embrace Islam.
2011.08.13 Iraq Baghdad 1; 0 A Shiite cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2011.08.13 Dagestan Boatshyurt 4; 0 Four victims of Muslim 'insurgents' are found bound and shot to death.
2011.08.13 Dagestan Makhachkala 2; 0 Suspected Islamists shoot two civilians to death in front of their home.
2011.08.13 Dagestan Khasavyurt 1; 1 A fireman is shot to death by suspected Islamic militants.
2011.08.13 Afghanistan Helmand 5; 0 Three women are among five civilians taken apart by a Taliban bomb.
2011.08.13 Pakistan Lahore 1; 0 A grown woman is shot to death by her nephew on suspicion of 'illicit relations'.
2011.08.12 Pakistan Haridasnagar 1; 1 A man is beaten to death after being accused of sorcery.
2011.08.12 Iraq Baghdad 2; 13 Terrorists bomb a cafe, killing two Iraqis.
2011.08.12 Pakistan Peshawar 3; 3 Three guards escorting prisoners for medical attention are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2011.08.12 Afghanistan Wardak 8; 0 Eight local security personnel are abducted and murdered by Sunni fundamentalists.
2011.08.12 Nigeria Ngala 1; 0 A 65-year-old cleric is shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2011.08.12 Dagestan Khasavyurt 2; 0 Two policemen standing outside a mosque are murdered by angry Muslims.
2011.08.12 Pakistan Bilal 0; 12 A small group of Catholics are beaten by fundamentalists after gathering to watch a religious film.
2011.08.12 Dagestan Kurush 2; 0 Two civilians are murdered by Muslim 'separatists' wielding machine-guns.
2011.08.11 Pakistan Peshawar 1; 20 A female Shahid suicide bomber tosses grenades before detonating, killing another woman.
2011.08.11 Pakistan Peshawar 6; 17 A child is among six innocents blown to bits by Islamist bombers.
2011.08.11 Iraq Ramadi 3; 24 'Insurgents' kill three Iraqis in their home with two bombs.
2011.08.11 Pakistan Tirah Valley 5; 1 Three women and two children are dismantled by a militant bomb attack on their home.
2011.08.11 Pakistan Chapperi 2; 0 Two tribesmen are shot to death by terrorists.
2011.08.10 Pakistan Shadman 1; 0 The caretaker of a shrine is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2011.08.09 Pakistan Manshera 1; 0 Islamic radicals shoot a tribesman to death.
2011.08.09 Thailand Pattani 1; 0 A 52-year-old man is shot several times in the head and chest by 'insurgents'.
2011.08.09 Dagestan Kadar 1; 0 A policeman is murdered on the doorstep of his home by Islamic 'insurgents'.
2011.08.09 Afghanistan Dehrawod 5; 1 Taliban bombers take down five Afghans at a crowded market.
2011.08.09 Afghanistan Bala Bulok 4; 0 Four civilians are kidnapped and beheaded by Sunni hardliners.
2011.08.08 Egypt Minya 1; 1 A Christian farmer has his throats slit in front of his son by a Muslim mob, who attack Christian homes and also severely beat a pastor.
2011.08.08 Iraq Mosul 4; 1 A child and woman are among the dead victims of two Jihad bombings.
2011.08.08 Nigeria Maiduguri 1; 0 A teacher is shot to death by Boko Haram Islamists.
2011.08.08 Nigeria Maiduguri 1; 0 Boko Haram cadres assassinate a prison comptroller.
2011.08.07 Iraq Iskandariyah 6; 14 Two children are among six Shia family members bleeding to death following a bombing of their home.
2011.08.07 Pakistan Shalobar 2; 0 Two tribesmen are executed by religious extremists.
2011.08.07 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2; 2 A father and son are taken out by a Jihad bomb attack on their home.
2011.08.06 Pakistan Mohmand 1; 0 A suicide bomber kills an innocent person at a market.
2011.08.06 Iraq Baghdad 2; 0 A shop owner and his son are shot to death by Islamic 'insurgents'.
2011.08.06 Pakistan Karachi 2; 0 Two Shias are gunned down in separate sectarian attacks.
2011.08.06 Pakistan Drigh Road 1; 0 A Catholic man with children is the victim of a targeted killing.
2011.08.06 Iraq Ramadi 2; 7 Terrorists target a sports stadium with coordinated blasts, killing two Iraqis.
2011.08.05 Pakistan Adezai 1; 0 Islamists drag an infidel out of a mosque and execute him.
2011.08.05 Iraq Khalis 3; 2 A sectarian mortar attack leaves three Iraqis dead.
2011.08.05 Thailand Pattani 3; 1 Three Buddhists are shot point blank by Muslim radicals.
2011.08.04 Ingushetia Nazran 2; 2 Islamic militants shoot two police officers to death as they are sitting in their car.
2011.08.04 Afghanistan Kunduz 1; 3 Three young girls are among the casualties of a Taliban car bomb.
2011.08.04 Thailand Yala 1; 0 A 38-year-old man is shot to death by Jihadi gunmen.
2011.08.04 Thailand Pattani 2; 0 Muslim terrorists are suspected of murdering a married couple driving home from their job as laborers.
2011.08.04 Iraq Baghdad 1; 13 Holy Warriors take down a child with a car bomb.
2011.08.04 Afghanistan Ghazni 2; 0 Two civilians bleed to death following a Taliban bomb attack.
2011.08.04 Pakistan Kukikhel 1; 0 A passerby is caught in the cross-fire when two Islamist groups clash at a market.
2011.08.03 Afghanistan Kandahar 3; 0 Sunni bomb makers take down a child and two others.
2011.08.03 Iraq Baghdad 1; 0 Holy warriors stab an army officer to death in his home.
2011.08.03 Iraq Rasala 4; 14 Four Iraqis are killed when fundamentalists bomb a liquor store.
2011.08.03 Thailand Pattani 1; 0 A Buddhist teacher is shot twice in the head by warriors of Islam.
2011.08.03 Pakistan Darra Adamkhel 1; 7 One person is killed when Islamic militants send dozens of mortar shells into a village.
2011.08.03 Iraq Ramadi 9; 13 A brutal double bomb attack in a commercial district leaves nine dead.
2011.08.03 Somalia Sar-Kuusta 4; 8 Four people lose their lives to an al-Shabaab attack.
2011.08.02 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 16 A liquor store is among the targets of two separate bombings in which two people are killed.
2011.08.02 Iraq Kirkuk 0; 23 Two dozen are injured when radicals bomb a Catholic church.
2011.08.02 Philippines Cotabato 2; 9 A 7-year-old child is among two killed by a Jemaah Islamiyah bomb blast.
2011.08.02 Dagestan Buynaksk 2; 1 An Islamist bomb attack leaves two dead.
2011.08.02 Pakistan South Waziristan 4; 1 Tehreek-e-Taliban militants kill four local soldiers in two ambushes.
2011.08.02 Afghanistan Kunduz 4; 10 Four are killed when Muslim extremists stage a Shahid attack on a guesthouse used by foreigners.
2011.08.01 Afghanistan Nimroz 3; 3 Three Afghans are dismantled by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2011.08.01 Pakistan Quetta 2; 3 al-Qaeda militants are suspected of planting a bomb at a garbage dump that leaves two children dead.
2011.08.01 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1; 2 A prayer leader is shot and killed by Religion of Peace rivals.
2011.08.01 Pakistan Atariwal 1; 1 A woman dies from injuries when Taliban militants fire a rocket into her home.
2011.08.01 Pakistan Munda 3; 0 Three civilians are cut down by Mujahid gunmen while gathering wood.
2011.08.01 Iraq Baghdad 0; 1 Terrorists wound two children with a sticky bomb.
2011.08.01 Somalia Mogadishu 2; 5 Two African peacekeepers are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.

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